Chapter 24 Angry Men

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Lila was at her highest and lowest points of the week. She had Bam in her home and dreaded the return of Bradley. Her worlds were colliding in a most unexpected way. Her mind was made up and now it was just a matter of going through the motions and seeing her decisions to the end. Jack and Becky had made arrangements not to be home when Bradley was scheduled to come back by the house. They took comfort in knowing that Bam was in the house and knew Lila would be protected. They also felt Lila didn't need an audience as her personal life played out in a most complicated way.

Seven o'clock arrived and Bam had made himself scarce, staying in his room. The last thing he wanted was a physical altercation with Lila's past.

Bradley arrived on time and Lila showed him into the living. She could tell he was anxious for a decision. He attempted to embrace her but she pulled away and purposefully stood opposite of him. Her back was to the staircase. Bam tried not to eavesdrop but curiosity got the better of him. He cracked his door and could hear  echoes of the conversation going back and forth. All seem good at first but then he heard the voices become elevated. He slipped to the top of the stairs trying to remain unnoticed. He had to give Lila credit. She could hold her own in an argument and he had promised not to intervene.

"Lila, come back to New York with me. Your being childish. You can't possibly think some guy you've just met is going to give you a better life than what we have back east."

Lila reacted harshly to the idea of being called childish. Bradley may have been her senior by a number of years but she wasn't ready to trade her freedom to be anchored to someone that obviously liked having the ability to rule her because of it.

"Bradley, if I had never come back home, things may have played out differently. But, change happened. I changed. My feelings for you have changed."

Bam relished in the thought that everything she said meant she was staying in Alaska. She had made her choice and she chose him.

Brad's anger flared again. "He can't possibly give you what I can...status,  money, and everything you don't have here."

"It's not what I want!" Lila's voiced raised higher. I think it is best if you leave now. I don't think we have anything else to discuss."

Bradley caught movement from the corner of his eye as Bam shifted back and forth on the stairs. If he couldn't bring Lila back to New York with him then he was going to make it hard for her. He wasn't going down that easily.

"Did you ever love me?" Bradley started a series of question that would lead to serious implications for Lila. In the heat of passion, she didn't realize he was setting her up for an unforgettable exit.

"Once upon a time I did...but that was a long time ago." The words made Bam wince.

"And you would have gladly come into my bed just a few months ago?" He asked slyly.

"Yes, but that was a lifetime ago. Things have changed dramatically. I'm not that girl anymore." That reply made Bam almost weak at the knees.

"Then let me remind you what you will be missing...." Bradley grabbed Lila by the wrists pinning her hands to her sides and kissed her hard as she attempted to struggle free of his grasp. From Bam's perspective, he couldn't see Lila fighting to break free.  All he could see was Lila kissing another man. Brad knew exactly what he was doing as he watched Bam disappear from the stairway.

Unsuspecting Lila didn't know Bam had been at the top of the stairs. She didn't know Bam had seen Brad kiss her. When Bradley released her, he apologized and quickly took his leave but the damage was done. He was pleased with himself for if nothing else he had put doubts into Lila's suitor's mind. His mission was accomplished.

As Lila closed the door on her past, she was relieved it was over. Now, she could fully direct her attentions to Bam without fear or remorse over her decision.

As she climbed the stairs, she had one thought and it was Bam. She quietly knocked on his door but there was no answer. She opened the door to find him staring out the window with his arms folded across his chest. His breathing was hard and heavy and his brow was furled into angry rows.

Lila placed her hand on his shoulder but he pulled away. "Joshua, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You kissed him like you kiss me."

Lila was suddenly and keenly aware that Bam had been at the top of the staircase and Bradley had manipulated her into a forcible kiss all for a show for Bam's sake. Her reaction was visceral. "I didn't kiss him. He forced me to kiss him."

"That's not what it looked like from where I was standing." Bam was agitated and the kiss had clearly struck a dark place in his soul.

"Bam, you're being ridiculous. It's over. He's gone. I'm here with you."

"For how long, until a better offer comes a long?" Lila felt the words like a slap. His words cut her hard but she knew she wasn't going to let his anger change how she felt for him.

Lila got very close to Bam and he could see her eyes turning darker. She trembled with anger. "You sir are an ass." Lila turned to leave his room and Bam grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"You're mine. Only mine." He grabbed her loose hair and pulled her face closer to his and kissed her hard. His mouth fought to find her tongue and once he did he heard a guttural moan. Her tongue tangled with his open mouth. The anger he was feeling turned into passion and Bam began to leave a trail of love bites down Lila's neck and breasts as she pulled to remove her clothes and his. Trailing to her stomach and back and thighs, he marked her well continuing to kiss every exposed part of her body. They wasted no time in finding their way to the bed and continued down the path of what they both knew was angry sex. It was all consuming, uncontrollable, wild, loud, messy haired, sweaty, back scratching, name calling, uninhibited, all over the room sex and when they were finished, they slept side by side.

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