Chapter 82 Concern

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They say in life timing is everything and for once things appeared to be progressing as they should on Bam and Lila's cabin. She was now in her last trimester, only four more weeks and the population of Browntown would officially increase by two new Brownies. The roof had been installed on the cabin and the bank of windows overlooking the beach were a wonderful addition providing an abundance of natural light as well as a beautiful view. Lila would be able to see the Integrity coming and going from the main room of the cabin. Some things were still primitive for her tastes but she had come to adjust to using an outhouse but she sorely missed having hot water whenever she wanted it.

Matt had worked furiously to bring Lila's furniture designs for the main space to life. He had been secretly working on a combination gift with Noah for she and Bam and the babies and couldn't wait to give it to them. Gabe had managed to score some canvases and paint in town and worked on several art pieces for the nursery as his surprise. Bear, Rain, and Bird, with the help of Ami, worked on baby quilts. Bear got his way for Lily's quilt as red fabric was a little easier to find than pink. Jack's quilt was made of blue fabric swatches.

Billy stopped by the cabin to examine the progress and was impressed at the speed of the brothers' work. He felt bad having to ask Bam for his assistance but he had lined up a rather large hauling job and he needed all hands on deck especially because outside of himself, Bam was the primary navigator for the Integrity. Bam was hesitant to travel and would only go on the haul if Matt stayed behind with Lila. Rain and Bird would take Matt's place giving Billy the extra set of hands he needed for the job. Lila reassured Bam that she would be fine staying at home and he trusted Matt above everyone else to look after Lila's welfare. Matt was equally as skilled with a rifle as Bam and Lila had the sat phone now for emergencies.

Matt and Lila stood on the beach as Bam gave his final instructions to his older brother. "Respect the danger, man. I'm trusting my family to you until I return." Lila gave Bam a long, lingering kiss to remind him of what he had to look forward to when he returned home making it all the more difficult for him to leave. He didn't enjoy separations from her but the reunions were always amorous.

"I've got plenty to do to get things ready in the house. Matt's going to finish the table for me and I'm going to be his assistant." Lila stayed on the beach until she could no longer see the boat. She prayed their trip would be expeditious and he would be home before she could begin to miss him.

Matt escorted Lila back to the cabin and they began to put the finishing touches on her dining table. She helped Matt sand the top of the table and they chatted for hours. Matt could talk forever. His mind jumped from topic to topic with such ease. The time passed quickly and before long Lila began preparing something simple for them to eat. Ami had left a pot of deer stew and freshly baked bread for them. Bird had collected eggs from their chickens and left them on the table for breakfast. They were pretty much set to spend the next couple of days finishing their furniture projects. They enjoyed each other's company. Matt was easy to talk to and his humor was a welcome change from Bam's serious nature.

Matt suggested they stay in the main cabin while the family was gone. It gave him peace of mind knowing that they were both under the same roof in the event Lila needed anything. She was very large now as she neared her due date and although she could still manage to take care of she and Bam, she had slowed down significantly.

Another day passed and the pair continued to work the items off their punch list. Lila was beginning to miss Bam but Matt always found a way to distract her thoughts. Today, he cheered her up by giving her one of the smaller of the two presents he and Noah had been working on. He made her close her eyes and walked her into the space they had designated as the nursery. When he told her she could open her eyes, she squealed with delight. Hanging from the beam where the babies would sleep was a beautifully crafted mobile of birds or rather cranes made from the forks that Matt had collected along their many stops up and down the coast of Alaska. Lila teared up at his thoughtfulness. "Mattie, I love it. You're so very talented. The girl that marries you is going to be very blessed." Matt looked away blinking away his own tears. He thought to himself if only he could be as lucky as Bam to find such a stellar companion.

The family was into their third day of the haul and had completed their final drop off. Bam was extremely distracted and wanted to set out for home as soon as possible. Because they had missed the tide, the Integrity and its crew would have to wait another day before returning home. Bam didn't like the thought of having to extend their stay but for the safety of everyone, they would shove off early the next morning.

Back at Browntown, Lila awoke to the smell of Matt's famous scrambled eggs and coffee. She was famished and eagerly looked forward to breakfast. Matt fixed her a plate and they sat at the table planning their next piece of furniture to finish today. Lila winced at she felt the babies kicking more than usual this morning.

"Everything okay there, little mama?" Matt took his responsibility of Lila very carefully.

"I think so. The babies seem more active than usual today." Lila patted her stomach.

"They are probably anxious to see their mom and dad." Matt joked but in the back of his mind he felt a twinge of concern.

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