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Gu Ziang and Lee rushed to the hospital where Yu Feng was staying.

Xie Yiming, the butler and general assistant next to Yu Feng, of course knew Lee, and it was he who notified Lee to come, so when the two arrived, he greeted them with an anxious expression on his face.

"Doctor Lee, Mr. Yu, you know his situation best. I have to trouble you to go into the operating room."

"I'll go right away." Lee changed into medical clothes as quickly as possible, disinfected, put on a mask, cleaned his hands, put on gloves, etc. and prepared everything. OK, enter the operating room.

The attending doctor raised his eyes at him and began to tell him about Yu Feng's condition -

Lee also listened and told him what he knew about the situation and gave suggestions.

Gu Ziang stood stunned outside the operating room. Xie Yiming called him several times before he came back to his senses. He said blankly: "What?"

"Mr. Gu, please sit down and wait." Xie Yiming glanced at his stomach. , stepped forward to help him.

Gu Ziang sat obediently on the chair next to him, a little at a loss and a little worried: "He... is it caused by a headache?"

"Probably." After all, Xie Yiming is Yu Feng's housekeeper and part-time assistant, he knows Yu Feng's working and living conditions, since Gu Ziang was picked up by Mo Zixi and the others, Yu Feng's situation has taken a turn for the worse. He sees it, is anxious in his heart, but has nothing to do.

Because Yu Feng punished himself in a masochistic way.

No matter how anxious or persuasive he was, it was of no use.

"Mr. Gu, when you were at home before, Yu was always the happiest. But after you left, he seemed like a different person. He didn't sleep at night and was a workaholic during the day. Later, he stopped taking painkillers. He looks so haggard. "Xie Yiming has a little bit of selfishness, and his selfishness is towards Yu Feng. He felt that Yu Feng's behavior was directly related to Gu Ziang.

So when Gu Ziang asked, he told everything.

Gu Ziang became even more stunned when he heard this.

Why is Yu Feng doing this...

does he not want his life?

Gu Ziang waited nervously and anxiously outside the operating room, hoping that with Lee's presence, Yu Feng could save the day.

Brain problems are really not a trivial matter, ranging from mental illness to life-threatening!

Gu Ziang recalled what Lee had told him before - he had just woken up from the link system of the virtual world, but he couldn't stand the brain wave disorder and almost collapsed. It was Yu Feng who immediately asked him to delete his memory. Allow yourself to turn the corner.

Yu Feng is the one who cut off the main system program to take him out of the virtual world. In other words, Yu Feng's brain waves also entered the virtual world, but unlike his own, who should be immersed in the main system, he entered with partial consciousness. , so he can still withstand it, but the backlash from the main system should not be underestimated - otherwise he would not suffer from headaches.

Gu Ziang stared at the light on the door of the operating room and thought helplessly - Yu Feng, can't you wait even two or three months?

He originally planned to wait until the fetus in his belly was safely born before he could find the energy to settle the grievances between the two of them with him. As a result... this man cost himself half of his life first!

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