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Gu Ziang rested for a moment, then put his hands on the ground, changed his posture, and slowly stood up.

Bei Locke stood up with him in surprise: "Master, what's wrong?"

"I'll go take a look nearby. You take good care of Yu Feng here."

"No, I have to follow the young master." Bei Locke shook his head.

Gu Ziang looked around them and his eyes lit up when he saw the place where the mecha crashed: "Then I will go to the mecha wreckage first to see if there are any weapons that can be used or to store food, and then make a plan. You stay in Yu

Bei Luoqi still wanted to refuse, but Gu Ziang added: "The place where the mecha crashed is not far from here. You can see me. Don't worry." "Okay. "

Bei Luoqi searched himself. After searching, he finally removed one arm and handed it to Gu Ziang, "Master, this arm has a simple defense system installed on it. You can take it, just in case."

"Okay." Gu Ziang took it without retorting this time. Belloc's arm slowly walked towards the remains of the mecha.

Gu Ziang thought clearly that their current situation was very similar to the ancient movies he had seen in the 22nd century, such as "Wandering on a Desert Island" or "Desert Island Survival". Therefore, if you want to survive, you must first ensure the existence of several major factors. Otherwise, you will soon be swallowed up by the horror of the wild.

Now that he can still move around and the baby in his belly is not making any fuss, he should find a way to settle down as soon as possible.

Yu Feng was seriously injured and had to find a place that could shelter him from wind and rain. Although he could live in the mecha wreckage for a while after tidying up, there was no guarantee that the enemy would not come looking for him. Once someone from the enemy broke into this undeveloped galaxy, the first At a glance, they could spot the "remnants of civilization" that "shouldn't" exist in the primitive wilderness, so the first thing they had to do was to leave this grassland.

Of course, before leaving, you must first collect useful things from the mecha wreckage and take them away.

Gu Ziang finally walked to the side of the wreckage. After the mecha crashed, it made a shallow crater on the grass. Coupled with the cause of the explosion, most of the parts were destroyed. There were scattered sparks flashing in some places. Fortunately, the mecha itself has a crash handling mechanism, and most of the fires caused by the explosion were extinguished.

Gu Ziang frowned as he looked at the mess, wondering how many useful things could be left behind.

Gu Ziang moved slowly, but stepped onto this messy land from the edge of the shallow pit with determination.

The first thing he looked for was the medical bay.

Every mecha has a medical cabin in its standard equipment. While they are in short supply of medical supplies, Yu Feng still needs a lot of medicine. Even he... he himself will need medicine in a while, so if they can find a medical cabin, they The chances of survival will be greatly increased.

Gu Ziang was quite patient. He rummaged around in the wreckage. He not only had a medical cabin in his mind, but also flashed charging machines, food, containers that could shelter from wind and rain, etc.

Gu Ziang searched from ten o'clock until he found the sun was shining brightly. He got some results, but he still couldn't find the medical cabin.

He raised his sleeves to wipe his sweat, then straightened up again to relieve the swelling and pain in his waist and abdomen, and then continued to search hard.

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