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Since Gu Ziang had noticed Yu Feng's insecurity, and this was not the first time, he did not dare to be careless, and he deliberately increased his time to accompany Yu Feng.

Accompany him when he sleeps; accompany him when he eats; accompany Yufeng when he goes to the company; when he is working, he often sends messages and videos; he also takes a mandarin duck bath from time to time...

Although, for him, this continues three worlds The absurd experience also troubled him very much.

After hearing Yu Feng describe those scenes, he couldn't help but think that maybe Yu Feng in the original world used high technology to build a strange system device...

However, he didn't see it with his own eyes and had no real evidence, so he didn't dare to assume it. draw conclusions. I just hope that I can return to my original world as soon as possible and then seek the truth.

"Yu Feng, I think we may really have had a past life... That's why you frequently dream about some familiar scenes..." Gu Ziang guided Yu Feng, and he had used the same explanation before. He was not afraid of not having any effect, so he just Afraid of explaining too little.

As the saying goes, when you tell lies, you even take yourself seriously. Gu Ziang decided to guide Yu Feng like this more often.

He himself began to try to convince himself that maybe he had forgotten to drink Meng Po soup, so he kept remembering the events of his previous life. That system was his own imagination...

Of course, every time this time, the system would be refreshed. A sense of existence: "I am real, Master."

Gu Ziang: "..."

Okay, you are real and I am fake, okay!

Yu Feng had been brainwashed by Gu Ziang many times, and he really felt that what he said made sense.

Thinking back to the last time he was uneasy, he had secretly made up his mind that no matter what kind of truth it was, he could accept it - even if Gu Ziang might be a time traveler, he would admit it.

The child Yu Muxin is getting more and more beautiful, her cuteness is increasing day by day, and she understands more and more things, and she pesters her two fathers more and more frequently.

Yu Feng liked him very much, so he adjusted the focus of his work. He only focused on the three golden hours in the morning every day, and spent the rest of the time patiently accompanying and taking care of his son.

I have to say that after spending more time with the little guy, my heart becomes much calmer and softer.

During this time, Gu Ziang was still the embodiment of busyness.

He deliberately reduced his workload, but he was still very busy. Because in addition to work, he also had to study, take care of Yu Feng's emotions, and spend time with his son.

Thanks to his youth and energy, he can cope with so many things surrounding him.

"Zi'ang, thank you for your hard work during this time." Yu Feng picked Gu Zi'ang out from where he worked. On the way, he saw him secretly yawning in the passenger seat, and couldn't help but feel sad.

"Your words are enough. I actually enjoy it." Gu Ziang frowned, "It's you who have the hard work. You spend more time with your son than I do. Isn't it difficult to take care of him?"

"It's easy to take care of him. " , He is very good," Yu Feng said.

"I miss him so much. I haven't seen him for a day." Gu Ziang stretched out and said, "When will he learn to call daddy?"

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