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What Xuanyuan Che is most worried about is how to deal with his relationship with Luo Yu.

This kind of relationship is no different from others. If it is not handled properly, it will cause many adverse consequences.

The best way to deal with it is to distance himself and have a clear attitude without giving any hope, but it is still difficult to cure - Luo Yu is like a vine growing around him, and it will get entangled if he is not careful - If you refuse to let it wrap around you, the vine will lie on the ground unable to grow until it dies. But if you turn a blind eye and let it go, the vines will absorb all the nutrients from you, so that you yourself will be implicated to death.

In short, after experiencing Ning An's departure, Xuanyuan Che became more aware of the importance and difficulty of this matter.

Now that Ning'an is willing to help him handle this matter, Xuanyuan Che certainly wants it.

In the past, Ning'an would not have done such a thing for him...

"To be honest, he might really have something important to do." Gu Ziang said seriously, "I saw him wandering at the gate of the city, with a few people following him. None of them are from the Central Plains."

Xuanyuan Che nodded: "I know, they should be from the Moshan clan."

Gu Ziang raised his eyebrows: "Moshan clan?"

He asked the system about the Moshan clan in his mind. The system that showed up was on call as usual, and calmly informed him about the Moshan tribe.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Che was also explaining the situation of the Moshan clan.

"The Moshan tribe has never set foot in the Central Plains, but they have been active recently. I am afraid that they have evil intentions and want to come to the Central Plains to get a share of the pie."

"I see." Gu Ziang had just finished listening to the general information about the Moshan tribe in the system's popular science, and then heard Xuanyuan Che's words In a word, after combining the two items, we can understand the situation of the Moshan tribe.

——This Moshan tribe is similar to some special tribes in the long history of China.

If precautions are not taken properly, it is not impossible for the Central Plains to be captured by the Moshan tribe.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." Xuanyuan Che stretched out his hand to smooth Gu Ziang's frown and said in relief.

"Well, I believe you." Gu Ziang smiled, "And I will always be with you."

"That's great!" Xuanyuan Che solemnly promised, "I will build a new world for you!"

"Okay, you can definitely do it!"

Not long after, Duan Yiming came to report: "Your Majesty, lunch is ready."

"Then come on," Xuanyuan Che ordered.

He and Gu Ziang went to the back room to look at Xuanyuan Kang and Gu Xiaoxi. The two little guys were still sleeping.

"They have been asleep for a long time, wake them up?" Gu Ziang discussed with Xuanyuan Che.

"Okay." Xuanyuan Che patted Xuanyuan Kang's arm gently, his voice was extremely soft, "Kang'er, get up, it's time to eat, here is your favorite egg custard!"

Before Gu Ziang called Gu Xiaoxi, Gu Xiaoxi said Turning over in a daze, he rubbed his eyes with his little hands and said, "I want seven (eats)!"

"Okay, okay, Xiaoxi also has something to eat." Xuanyuan Che picked up Gu Xiaoxi and saw Xuanyuan Kang also yawning and crawling. He stood up and said, "Can you eat brother's food too?"

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