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Except for a few children, Gu Ziang's method of recovering blood was obvious to everyone else.

Even Mr. Qi is no exception.

But he doesn't know anything about the system or the illusory world.

Gu Ziang and the others didn't mention it either.

Everything has the possibility of existence.

One flower, one world, one tree, one Bodhi.

This false world may be false to Gu Ziang, but to the people in this world, it is not necessarily false.

There is no need for them to destroy other people's lives and perceptions.

After everyone had been upgraded and Gu Ziang had recovered his health, everyone continued towards the crater.

On the way, they also discovered a group of zombies again.

Surrounded by zombies is the zombie king.

As expected, these zombies were attracted by the energy of their five elements, abandoning ordinary people and shelters, and chased them all the way.

Especially when the power of the Five Elements is full, the Zombie King becomes even more excited.

The Zombie King also has the viral power of the Five Elements, which can trigger strange natural weather such as earthquakes, tsunamis, sudden drops in temperature, hail, and heavy snow.

But nature is also working hard to correct itself after being viralized.

Tiandao and Destruction have already fought each other once before.

Xuanwu guards the bottom of the sea, that is.

The Zombie King's goal is to destroy the world. The infected creatures on the seabed were Tang Miao's masterpiece, but unfortunately they were all taken care of by Gu Ziang and the others.

What should be sucked dry, what should be burned should be burned, what should be baptized should be baptized, what should be suppressed should be suppressed, all are done.

This time the zombies have evolved again. In addition to carrying viruses, other aspects - movement, attack, and avoidance are similar to those with superpowers. And they can also use terrifying virus-laden moves to deal with Yu Feng and the others.

Vines are the most vigorous, but they are also the most afraid of being infected with viruses.

At this stage, the most advantageous thing is Qi Qingyuan's metallic defense skills.

The detailed tempered protective film he wrapped around everyone was very effective.

The virus can't get close to you, so you don't have to worry about getting infected.

However, Qi Qingyuan's energy is also limited. He can maintain it for a period of time. Maintaining this protective film continuously will consume a lot of his energy.

In addition to Qi Qingyuan's superpowers, Zhou Jing's divine fire can also effectively deal with zombies carrying viruses.

Just burn it.

Of course, evolved zombies are not easy to burn, and burning one consumes more energy than the previous hundred.

Fortunately, they have reached full level.

There is also the Suzaku divine bird, which is much more powerful than Zhou Jing. When it opens its mouth, the flames it spits out can burn a row of zombies.

Qinglong Buyu can only purify zombie corpses that have been flattened, pierced by metal, or burned to ashes by divine fire.

Kirin is an auspicious animal, and its existence ensures everyone's luck to the maximum.

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