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Gu Ziang resignedly held his stomach and moved with difficulty to the nearby bushes, leaning on a tree and bending down to catch his breath.

This unexpected second child made him a little confused, but it also aroused his strong desire to survive.

No matter what, this is a little life, and it is about to come to the world. Even if I have no strength, I must grit my teeth and hold on to give birth to this little thing.

Gu Ziang didn't know exactly where he was, but according to his observations, it should be a dense forest that was rarely visited by people. Xuanyuan Che and others broke out from Ning Lie's trap, not taking the official road, but taking a small road. We arrived here after seven turns and eight turns.

Gu Ziang didn't know how far they were from the place where Ning Lie had set the trap, and he didn't know if Ning Lie would catch up. He wanted to stay away from the place where he just got off the carriage, but due to abdominal pain, he walked intermittently, and also couldn't walk. He was afraid that he would not have the strength to give birth later, so he stopped after walking through the dense forest.

Gu Ziang knelt down slowly while holding on to a tree. He imitated Yu Feng's previous movements when he delivered his baby. He massaged slowly with his breathing. He could feel the fetus moving downward.

Perhaps it was because the oxytocin was still taking effect, or perhaps because he had already given birth to the first child, so the second child did not stay in his belly for too long.

Hearing the sound of the baby crying, Gu Ziang breathed a sigh of relief. He took care of the umbilical cord, pulled out two robes from the bundle, wrapped the child in his arms, and then fainted.

Night gradually spreads.

A carriage drove slowly from a distance.

"Stop the car." The man in the car vaguely heard the sound of the baby crying and suddenly shouted.

The coachman stopped the carriage, and the man inside listened carefully. He heard the cry of a baby. He was surprised: "Uncle Jiang, why is there a child crying in this wilderness?"

The coachman also followed the sound and looked around, waiting for him. When he stared towards the direction of the dense forest, he saw Gu Ziang lying on the ground and the crying baby in his arms. He was suddenly startled. He whispered back to the man in the car: "Valley Master, someone fell over there, it seems. Passed out."

"Go over and take a look." A folded fan opened the car curtain, and a hand with clear joints could be seen vaguely.

"Yes." Uncle Jiang drove the carriage over and jumped out of the carriage first, and then the man in the car also jumped out. This man was dressed in plain white robes, with a long body and a handsome face. He was holding a white jade bone fan in his hand, and exuded a chic and leisurely temperament.

This person is none other than Shen Xiuping, the well-known master of Shen Medical Valley.

Shen Xiuping walked quickly to Gu Ziang. Uncle Jiang had already picked up the baby who was crying so hard that his voice was almost hoarse: "Master of the Valley, this child seems to have been born not long ago."

"Yes." Shen Xiuping glanced at the child. He then put his hand on the baby's neck and felt for the pulse, frowning slightly, "This child was born before full term and has some congenital deficiencies."

After saying that, he squatted next to Gu Ziang, took Gu Ziang's hand and carefully diagnosed him. Diagnosing the pulse, the eyebrows furrowed even more tightly.

Uncle Jiang held the baby and shook it, and the crying gradually stopped. He saw Shen Xiuping's brows frowning more and more, so he couldn't help but ask: "Valley Master, how is he?"

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