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Gu Ziang took off his coat and raised his sleeves to wipe his sweat.

Next to her, Zhou Xinrui was also coquettishly talking to Zhou Jing: "Mom, it's so hot!"

"Be good, let Uncle Shen cool you down." Before Zhou Jing could finish her words, Shen Mingyan had already condensed a small ice ball and handed it to her, still sticking it on her. Wrap the heart with a big leaf to prevent it from getting too cold.

If the weather temperature when they were at the lighthouse on the seaside was more than nine cold days, then what they felt at this moment was an endless heat wave.

Everyone is used to sudden changes in the weather, but it is really annoying to change like this.

After leaving the sea, their temporary resting place was still far from the crater.

This place is obviously a ruined site after the earthquake. As far as the eye can see, there are cracks and ravines.

There is almost no vegetation.

The only special vegetation suitable for poor soil is listless.

Yu Feng wanted to add some greenery to this land. After discussing with Shen Mingyan, he originally wanted him to provide wood vegetation and Shen Mingyan to provide water sources. However, it turned out that the land here did not accept their vegetation and water sources.

"Strange." Yu Feng tried again, but still failed.

He couldn't help but try it a third time.

As soon as the green vines entered the soil, they seemed to be dyed by the soil and quickly turned yellow and withered.

"There is something wrong with this land." The water controlled by Shen Mingyan seeped into the land quickly when it fell. Even if there was a lot of water, it disappeared quickly when it fell on the land.

It may be absorbed or evaporated.

But either way, it's weird.

"That's not right. The last time the dragon rained down, the zombie virus was controlled and isolated in all places. Why can't it be done here?" Zhou Jing was also very surprised.

She tried firing a fireball onto the ground, but this time the ground reacted - turning into scorched earth.

But, they don’t want any scorched earth!

"The grace of the divine dragon's rain has a limited duration. Otherwise, there would be no need for Xuanwu to guard the sea." Yu Feng said.

Everyone tried several times, but to no avail, so they simply stopped and repaired on the side.

It's dry, it's hot, and there's no grass growing.

Comparable to the Flame Mountain.

Gu Ziang was thinking in his mind - it's so hot here, what will the crater look like?

"Wait a minute, I suddenly have an idea!" Gu Ziang's heart was racing. He looked at the dry land in front of him with a serious expression and said slowly, "We have never been able to find earth and metal superpowers. I mean, is it possible that they... have mutated? Not as a superpower, but as a zombie?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone got goosebumps.

"What you say... doesn't seem to be unreasonable." He Lanting agreed, "My brothers and I went out several times, but we couldn't find these two superpowers. Under normal circumstances, these superpowers will spontaneously ask for help. Shengyi is close to you, like us, like Sister Jing, and like those people with powers before. But these two have never shown up..."

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