Knight!SteveRogers - Shiver (AU)

Start from the beginning

Rovik nodded at this, his brow furrowed in thought. "Then an honourable burial he will receive. I shall go to the chapel now and see him for myself".

"And I will come with you, I am eager to see the man who until an hour or so ago was just of legend. It's a pity we don't know his name". There had been conflicting reports over the years, and it was never really known. Instead he had simply been known as the Knight of the ice.

Heading to the chapel, there were already a few servants tending to armoured man who now lay in state. Narissa noted that Phillip had been right - he was perfectly preserved. His features peaceful, lips blue, his hair a blonde colour. The armour he wore hadn't perished either. It still shone, the Lehigh crest engraved upon the chest plate. He was devastatingly handsome - for a dead man. It was a grave shame that he had met his end with betrayal.

"We'll make preparations for his burial come morning, but for now the chapel will remain guarded". Rovik ordered, turning to Phillip and Darius. "I trust you two will oversee that?"

"Of course, sire". Phillip nodded as the King turned to his daughter.

"Well? Are you coming?"

"Soon". She turned back to the lifeless Knight. "I wish to pay my respects".

Without any complaint, the King made his way back to bed while Phillip told Narissa that he and Darius would be outside.

She turned back to the Knight and studied him more carefully. "You can finally rest easy now, it would appear the curse has been lifted". Telling him as though he could hear her.

One of her hands traced his face, skin cool from the ice that had entombed him for all of the years that had passed. But something was not right. Not when she could feel something against her hand.


That was not possible...

Two fingers felt for a pulse as she now felt it beat weakly before reeling back.


Immediately Phillip and Darius were there, asking what had happened. "He's alive, he's breathing, he's alive!" She told them as they both looked at one another before Phillip headed over to check.

"She's right...he is! Get Doctor Erskine down here right now!"

Darius ran off to wake the physician while Narissa looked at Phillip. "How is that even possible? He's been in ice for years?"

"No idea my lady, but now it seems we might be about to find out just who our nameless Knight is, and finally hear the truth about the Battle of Vormir.

"Vormir?" Came a weak voice as they both jumped and turned, seeing that the Knight's eyes now had opened. "Did we win?"

Narissa now appeared over him, stopping him from getting up as his eyes met with hers. Blue. Just like the colour of their Kingdom. He blinked in surprise at the sight of her, then spotting Phillip who made no attempt to draw his sword. "What happened?"

"Ice, so it seems. You were lost to it Sir..."

"Steven...although people call me Steve?" He now spied the uniform that Phillip wore. A Knight of Leigh - so that's where he was? But he'd never seen him before. Plus the armour and cloak he wore differed to his own apart from the colour and crest. "You're Knight too?"

"Sir Phillip, or Phil if we're shortening names".

Steve nodded, then setting his eyes on the beautiful woman who looked like winter itself. "And you?"

"Lady Narissa of Lehigh. My father is King Rovik..."

"Rovik..." Steve searched his memory although it was fuzzy. The last time that he'd checked it had been King Chester on the throne. "How long have I been out?"

Narissa looked to Phil who nodded. She turned back to Steve. "Seventy years if history is correct".

Steve sat up slowly and began to process just what they were telling him. Seventy years. He'd been lying there for seventy years while the world continued on without him. "He told me he wouldn't curse the kingdom if he had my blood. I should've known better to believe him..."

"King Schmidt". Phil uttered just as Doctor Erskine and Darius entered the chapel, both of them staring at Steve.

"Let's get you warmed up, something to eat and drink. After sleeping in an ice tomb for so long you need your strength". Narissa told him. "You are home, although I am sorry for it to not be the home that you may remember".

Taking her hand, he placed a kiss upon the soft, milky skin. "Thank you".

Erskine and Darius now helped him up and escorted him to one of the guest chambers as Narissa instructed them to. As the three left, Steve looked back at her, eyes never leaving her own until he'd climbed the steps up and out of the chapel.

Phil joined her side. "Want me to inform the King?"

"No. I shall go to him myself. He will be wanting to ask our Knight some questions. There is a chance this could be a trap that we know nothing about, but somehow? I think that he's telling the truth". Her eyes remained on the empty stairwell.

Phil nodded in agreement. " too..." 

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