Steve Rogers AU - Brooklyn (PT 3)

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The noise that was coming from Fern's bedroom could only be compared to a duck being strangled, Steve finding both Bucky and Sam sat in the hallway outside her door after receiving the SOS text from them.

"How bad?" He sighed as they both looked up wryly from their slumped positions against the wall.

"Well to cut a long story short she's been in there screaming along to 'All To Well' while eating a whole cheesecake to herself". Bucky explained to his friend.

Steve looked at them. 'The ten minute version?"

"You bet your ass it is, there's no other version that compares unless it's Taylor's." Sam insisted.

"Should've known, she only puts it on when it's gone really bad..." Steve said to himself more than anything. "Abs you've tried to talk to her?"

"Nope, we just ended up singing along with her - she's got it on loop".

Steve groaned, knowing that the situation level had turned code red. "Shit", then glancing at the door. "Right, I'm going in..."

"You're a braver man than we could ever be". Sam saluted him as he and Bucky got up. "But then again if anyone can talk sense into her then it's bound to be you".

"I wouldn't be so sure about that". Steve replied and knocked on the door before going in anyway, the music at full volume while Fern was cross-legged on her bed stabbing a whole cheesecake into slop with her fork.

Her eyes were red as she looked up at Steve, mascara lines down her face.

He smiled weakly. "So...not a good one", stating the obvious.

She shook her head. "No...he wasn't..."

Coming to perch at the end of the bed, he turned the music down slightly so they could talk. "Well then he's an idiot - can't see what's right in front of his face".

All three of the guys had hated their roommates now ex boyfriend. He had been the total opposite of her and Steve in particular had found him obnoxious from the moment that he'd first met him. The kind of guy who liked to brag about his latest purchases, only high end of course.

Had they tried to warn her?

Yes. On multiple occasions but had resided to the fact that she was bound to be hurt and to just let nature take its course- and here they were now...

"Do we need to add his face to the douche dartboard?" He asked

Fern nodded silently and shoved a large mouthful of cheesecake into her mouth.

Steve yelled "add him!" To Sam and Bucky outside who in return cheered and whooped before the footsteps hurried down the hallway to go fight over who got to add the latest guy to the dartboard. He now saw her face. "They were worried about you".

"I'll be fine". She mumbled.

"I know you will be. He's an idiot and we all know it. Any other guy would be lucky to have you - apart from the ones we've already sacrificed to the dartboard". Steve smirked.

Fern stifled a laugh and now offered him some mushed cheesecake. "I may have stabbed it a bit..."

He simply picked a bit up and shrugged popping it into his mouth. "Still tastes good to me".

She looked up at him from under tear stained lashes. "Wanna scream to Taylor some more with me?"

"I think you've screamed enough today".

"I was hoping he'd make me in other ways, this wasn't what I had in mind - plus he sucked at sex". She now laughed to herself.

Steve winced. "Well for that alone he needed to make the board".

Sam now knocked at the door and called through it. "Hey Fern! Wanna come throw darts at the losers face? We're gonna get a head start otherwise!"

"Maybe later..." she called back. "I kind of wanna finish my cheesecake and then feel guilty about it".

"Alright". Sam knew when to accept a no, and Steve now turned back to her.

"You gonna be alright?"

Fern shrugged. "Give me a few days and I will be".

"Atta girl". He smiled and got up, then out of habit giving her a kiss in the head, prompting them both to freeze.

"Sorry...I er...that was a force of habit, used to do it to my ex and - anyway I'm just gonna lea-"

He was cut off as she now had stood up suddenly and all but grabbed his face, kissing him deep and hungrily...and what was even scarier?

He didn't want them to ever stop...

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