Steve Rogers (AU) - The Voyage

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They had been making good time since they'd set sail for the return voyage home.

The Liberty was one of the newest and most revolutionary ships of its kind, with systems being more advanced than that of other passenger liners. It was luxury too.

Now, Captain Steve Rogers was studying the maps and navigation systems to make sure that all was going to plan.

And it was - or at least that was until the first mate and a couple of men who made up his crew burst into the room
and just looked at him.

"What?" He now asked, looking up from being hunched over the maps.

"We've found an extra passenger..." Clint Barton now declared, stepping to one side where a young woman was stood, her head bowed and shaking.

Steve blinked and pushed himself from the table, now coming to take a look at her. From under mouses brown hair, she briefly made eye contact with him, before looking down at the floor again.

This was no ordinary stowaway.

She was too well manicured to be. The first thing he noticed were her hands. They'd never done a days work in her life and he could see that. It had looked like she'd tried to make her dress not look as expensive as it should be.

Then there was the pin in her hair...

Steve took it out, letting it fall into waves around her face, looking at the hair accessory in his hand and then at her.

"Did anyone see her?" He now asked Barton

"No, we managed to keep her away from passenger areas. She was down in the cargo hold..."

"Good...let's keep it this way then. No one needs to know otherwise gossip will be rife on the ship come supper." He told them and then looked at her. "You're too well dressed to be considered poor, so tell me - how'd a girl like you come to end up on a ship like this? I'll give you credit, you've tried to dress down, but this..." he held up the hair accessory, "is something that gives it away".

The woman swallowed and finally spoke. "My name is Catherine..."

Steve nodded. "I, why and how are you here?" There was some annoyance to his tone, and there should be. How did the crew miss this? They were always leaving no stone unturned when it came to people trying to sneak onto the ship while docked.

"I can't go back..." her voice shook, "please...don't send me back there..." the look of fear was upon her porcelain face, tears threatening to fall.

Barton and the other men looked at one another.

"What do we do with her sir?"

Steve thought for a moment. All of the rooms aboard were taken. Questions as to who she was would be raised if they even found somewhere to put her.
They couldn't turn back, and so all that would be left to do was to keep her aboard while he investigated why she was there, and what to do with her once they'd docked in New York.

"Take her into my office, give her something to eat and drink, I'll be along shortly". He said, the cogs in his mind turning as they worked to think of something.

Find out the situation. Decide the next step.

Yes. That was the plan.

Bucky Barnes, the first mate,  who had also been watching the situation unfold from the start, now ventured over towards his friend. "What's the plan pal?"

"I don't know...but we need to be tactful with this, questions will be raised when she gets to port, she's not on the passenger list. They're getting efficient about it, which is understandable considering they're getting a more more stowaways on the ships lately".

"So what do you suggest?".

"Let me talk to her and find out what I need to, we'll go from there, but for now? No one should mention her. I'll brief you all when I know what to do ok?"

Bucky nodded and took the helm, Steve making his way to his office and finding Catherine sitting quietly while two crew members stood by - almost guarding her. "Leave, let me speak with her". He ordered and once they were gone he turned to her. "Why are you running? More importantly, who from?".

"My fiancé, and my parents". She confirmed, taking a sip of water from the cup they'd poured for her. "Please Captain, I cannot return to that place, not when I know what awaits me there".

"An unhappy marriage?"

She nodded, "and a potentially abusive one. Although he hides that side of him under his 'charm' that has won my parents over. They think him to be the nicest and kindest man, but he's not. He has already tried to claim me, to control me in some situations - I cannot do it". Her eyes met with Steve's. "He will kill me if I am to be sent home once we arrive in New York".

There was desperation behind her eyes. Sorrow and fear also ever present.

He thought hard and then looked at her again. "We have no empty rooms, you'd have to have mine, otherwise questions will be raised by the passengers. And as for New York? They check the passenger lists of who comes in and out - the reason being because of stowaways like you".

She looked away in shame.

"Catherine...the only way you'll be able to pull this off is if you pose as my wife. They won't question why you're not on the list once we've docked, and then we can find you somewhere to stay". He told her.

"You really don't have to...I'm sorry I've made things complicated..."

He held up his hand and silenced her. "I'm not the kind of man who would send you back to a life where you will be miserable. You wanted escape and you managed it. Now all you have to do is just play a part. I'll inform my crew, Barton's wife is aboard so you may be able to borrow some clothes for the duration of the journey".

Catherine smiled gratefully. "Thank you Captain, please, call me Kate - if we're to make this convincing then you will need to know my preferred name".

"Kate..." he rolled the name on his tongue and nodded to himself. "Well then Kate, you can call me Steve".

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