Dark!SteveRogers - Vixen

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"There he is...the golden boy of America". She cooed through the shatterproof glass of the cell that she had been imprisoned in. It meant no privacy, no dignity, and no getting out. "They remembered I was down here then? Did they send you to wrap those strong hands of yours around my pretty little neck".

Steve simply stood there with the constant glare on his face. "Golden boy of America my ass, but what can I say? They fucking love me". His eyes met with hers. "River Fox...I heard a lot about you, thought I'd finally come meet you for myself - oh how the mighty have fallen".

"It was worth the risk". She bit back as she now watched him pace back and forth.

"Was it?" He now side eyed her. "You tried to expose shield and failed - you ended up down in this shit pit for the last three years. I'd say it wasn't, but you won't admit that will you".

"Is there a reason for your visit, or is it your day off?".

"I haven't had a day off since 1942, but you know that, don't you? Because you tried to tell the world that I was never lost to the ice after all. That this place isn't what it's meant to be". He now banged his fist against the glass. "Least this is keeping you nice and secure - no escaping here - but anyway, I came here to negotiate".

River shook her head. "You don't do negotiations".

"I'll tell Fury to give the order to kill the your parents then..." he pressed his earpiece but now River threw herself forward at the glass. "Hold that thought..." he told the Shield director. "I knew you were smart enough to not let that happen".

"What are you asking of me?"

Steve put his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "For one, your loyalty and discretion- just like every other fucker working here has. And secondly? SHIELD would like to use your talents again - under our supervision of course".


"Mine". His eyes narrowed. "You were a veeeeery good agent from what I've heard. I mean, you dug deep and found out all that crap about me after all. You could be useful to the team. You agree then you're outta here and back doing the only thing that perky little ass of yours is good at, because let's face it - you have nothing else going for you when it comes to talent".

River shook her head slowly. "Well aren't you the charmer".

"You disagree? You can spend the rest of your miserable life down here until you finally waste away while I tell Fury to give the order to kill your parents". Steve said, ignoring her comment. "Choose wisely. I know what path I'd take".

Her eyes kept their gaze on him. "Don't you dare lay a finger on them..."

"Oh I'm not? But my good friend the Winter Soldier will. He's currently waiting outside their house right now..." he pulled up some surveillance on his phone, and sure enough - the silent assassin was there. Watching. Waiting.

She swallowed and then as much as it pained her, agreed. "Fine. You can have me".

"It's not me who wants you". He replied, although if I get bored I'm sure I can trust that you'll see to entertaining me. You're gonna be living at our facility after all. You get to see this face every single day". He flashed her a trademark smile.

"How wonderful". She threw back sarcastically. "I'll agree to your terms, minus being used as your personal entertainment".

"I never said it was an option". His voice was a little more sinister now, but regardless, he opened the door to let her out. "Welcome back Agent Fox, I've got a feeling you're gonna be a little more compliant when it comes to taking orders this time around..."

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