Lloyd Hansen - Thirteen (PT 2)

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The light hit his eyes and Lloyd groaned as they tried to adjust from waking up. Everywhere ached, especially his chest.

"What the fuck..." he muttered as he tried to sit up, but various wires connected to monitors were preventing him from doing so.

Looking around, he found himself in a very ornate room, chest bandaged. His shoulder was pained too. Like hell he was going to be some kind of science experiment. The last thing he remembered was that bitch Suzanne pointing a gun at him.

Only now did he notice the slender figure sat in the armchair across the room, one leg crossed over the other while she focused on her phone. "And here was me thinking I'd have to arrange a funeral - I'll cancel the bereavement wreaths". 

Anastasia fucking Rey.

He glared as she looked at him and spoke again. "Oh and you're welcome by the way. For y'know, saving your ass when everyone thought you'd finally got your just desserts. I could've just left you there to rot with your henchman - but because I'm nice? I thought I'd see whether you'd actually pull through". Now studying her nails. "You're a tough bastard to bring down Hansen". 

"Where the hell am I anyway?" 

"My place - y'know, the one I took you to when you wanted to see Mr 13?"

Yeah, and since that she'd always been a step ahead of him. It had irked him to no end. The again nothing was stopping him from ripping the wires from his body to choke her. 

"Why?" He pressed in annoyance. 

She looked up at him again. "Because I couldn't exactly take you to a hospital. The CIA would have come and shot you down again, besides - I think we'd work well together". 

"Over my dead body". 

"It almost was" She mused. "C'mon pudding, surely you want nothing more than to see Suzanne six feet under, begging you, telling you how sorry she was that she saw her cheap ass shot and took it?" Her mouth turned into a pitiful pout. "She's pinned everything on you by the way, just to get leverage over Denny. Of course your dear old friend has gone along with it, blamed everything on you - a little unfair don't you think?" 

The anger bubbled in Lloyd. "Those bastards..." He then sat up slowly and began to rip the wires from him. 

"Theeeeere he is". Anastasia smirked and rose from her chair. "You might wanna keep your heart rate down". 

"A little hard when you're telling me this shit!" 

She laughed lightly and poured some whiskey into a glass, passing it to him. "Drink this and calm your stache, with the meds you've had pumped into you for the last week it'll perk you right up". 

He snatched the glass and downed it in one, still fuming - and now just because he was 'saved' by a damn Sierra. "What do you want Ana? You're on their side". 

"Was". She corrected him. "I had the drive after all didn't I? So now after everything that happened? I'm number one on their hitlist. They've been looking for me - want to bring me into custody and lock me away so I don't spill all their little secrets". 

"And will they find you here?" 

She shook her head. "No. No one knows about this place - well, my men did...until I had to pull the old 'shoot to silence' card on them. They'd have ratted me out straight away if it meant collecting money and glory for it". 

Lloyd grunted as he tried to move into a more comfortable position. "Seems we both have our reasons to get even..." then looking at her, lip curling. "How'd you like to go into business? Your kill count is equal to mine, and we both share the common interest of hating the bitch with the bad hair. Plus...you're out of a job". 

A sinister smile now crossed Anastasia's lips. "I thought you'd never ask, pudding". 

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