Steve Rogers - The Lakes (Christmas Version)

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A/N - If you haven't read The Lakes then may I suggest you do so before reading this oneshot ;) If you have? Merry Christmas! 

Christmas Eve.

Steve had found himself clock watching for most of his shift. Coulson had told him that he hadn't expected him to take the shift, but he'd insisted, given that his boss and refused for him to take the Christmas Day one - that and this was the first time he'd not really wanted to be working over the holiday period.

He and Erskine (who was now a fully fledged police dog) had been out in the town on patrol, the residents stopping him and wishing him and Nell a Merry Christmas, whilst they ran last minute errands.
Westview Pines was covered in snow as usual, the lake frozen over for the foreseeable. It still made something in his stomach turn slightly when he saw people trying to access it to skate on, or to swim in. The amount of lectures he had to give was enough to put people off, but still others would try. 

He couldn't wait to get home...

For the last couple of days the house was filled with the usual smells of Christmas, his fiancee doing her usual baking that she enjoyed in her spare time - not that she had any lately, but somehow she'd found the time anyway.

"Go on, get home, enjoy your Christmas". Phil appeared in the doorway of his office and told him. Even Erskine looked up from where he was lying at his master's feet and then stretched with a small yawn. 

"Well I'm not gonna say no to that" He chucked and shut down his computer, shrugging on his jacket.

"Having a quiet one?" Coulson smirked.

Steve couldn't help but smile. "As quiet as it can get".

"Have a good one, see you soon". Phil smiled as Steve wished him and a couple of others a Merry Christmas, before heading out to the car.

Time for Christmas to begin - and this year would be more magical than ever.


"I'm home". He called through as Erskine trotted in the direction of the kitchen, the smell of gingerbread wafting in the air.

Christmas songs were playing softly on Alexa and now as Steve walked through, he saw Nell behind the kitchen counter. Piping bag in one hand whilst juggling their son in her other arm.

"Hey". She smiled, looking up and putting the piping bag down. "Look, Daddy's home".

He noted how tired she looked, but they had both spent the last eight weeks exhausted. However they were getting into a routine and things would become easier.

"Hey buddy, how's my boy today?" He took the baby from her arms and held him close to his chest, his sons face nuzzling into it.

From across the room there was a cry and Nell quickly hurried over to where the two Moses baskets were, lifting their daughter from the other.

It had taken them days to come around to the news that she was pregnant- let alone when they found out it happened to be twins. It had been unexpected to say the least.

Ezra and Briar had come into the world just eight weeks before, Steve and Nell forgetting what life had been like before them. It had been the family he'd needed after years of being alone, even if it had been so soon in their relationship.
He wouldn't change a thing though. This woman would become his wife eventually - but for now their focus was on the twins .

"There, much better". Nell cooed and bobbed their daughter gently to calm her. She was a natural, even though she claimed she felt anything but that. Steve could see it.

Still, it was a learning curve for both of them.

He walked over to her, adjusting their son in his arms and putting his free one around her, admiring their little family. 

"Think it's safe to say that this Christmas is gonna be better than the last". 

Nell looked up, meeting his lips as he dipped down to give her a kiss. "You won't be saying that at the 2am feed"

"Hey, we're in this together right? My 2am is your 2am". 

"It has to be, we have two of them" She chuckled, "Double the trouble". 

"But more the fun". He smirked, stealing another kiss. 

Nell nodded, resting her head against his chest. Happy that she now had him to herself for a week. "Don't forget more to love too". 

Steve smiled down at her, then looking at their children who were content for now. "I'll be making every moment count of that, it's the most I've had in years, and I plan on keeping it that way. 

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