The interviewer nodded in agreement. She proceeded to ask the next question in line. "How do you feel when given the awards of the best businesswoman of the year for over five years now" she questioned enthusiastically, a wife smiling on her face.

"I feel honored, '' Afifah shrugged. There is nothing big about that, it's all her hard work. You can say she is proud but that is she. She is actually proud of herself and she didn't need anyone to tell her that. The interviewer who seemed to be wanting a long speech got none so she proceeded.

"What one piece of advice would you give to any aspiring female business leaders reading this?"

"Do not give up." She uttered with utmost sincerity.  "Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and see them as an opportunity to learn. In order to be successful, you have to learn how to stand up for yourself and follow your own intuition. An educated girl has the opportunity to dream big and eventually realize the dream she once thought would be impossible to achieve.

Education catapult girls into a brighter future, creating an empowered and enlightened woman capable of changing her own life, her community and the world as a whole" she pursed before continue,

"The hardest trial of life you often pass through wondering how you will get through it but then it becomes a distant memory and good times come by. Alhamdulillah for everything" she smiled and with that the interview came to an end with a loud voice of applause from the crew.

The car backdoor was pulled open from the outside, making her step out of the white grandeur G-wagon. Her gold stiletto kissing the ground, her hand instinctively went to her sunglasses to take them off. She instructed the driver and the valet before stepping aside. She collected her bag from the valet who bowed down a little in respect and she sauntered into the boisterous house. From the front door she can hear the noise of her kid shouting, that warms her heart. She felt enticed to walk in and meet them.

Stepping in with a wide smile plastering her face, it turned to a frown immediately sighting the situation of the living room. From the over-active Aadil going after Aahil to Nabil who was sitting on the chair with the little princess on his lap playing a piano. And to the ground which was scattered with numerous used and used papers. All writing materials are scattered and also the playing materials, toys and games are everywhere. She was quite sure the children's room was much more of a disaster than her living room. She stomped in ready to give them the pieces of her mind just then, Aadil rushed to her shouting, "Mama is here," his voice made to stop on her track. "Mama help me, Aahil will beat me" like the troublesome he is, as usual he seeks for his brother's trouble. His giggles made her heart swell and cherished the blessing of being a mother. Hiding behind his mother who shields him from the wrath of his brother. Aahil stood in front of his mother, he smiled before hugging. "Welcome home, mum" like the smart boy he is, he welcomes his mother. Afifah smiled hugging him back, she was so excited by his gesture. Aahil is always the smartest among her three kids that never ceases to amaze her.

The little princess who was on her father's lap got down immediately she sighted her mother, she ran to her giggling and squealed enthusiastically, "Mama, Mama, Mama" she jumped on her mother who was kneeling waiting to envelope her in her arms. The two years old girl chuckled when she was finally in her arms. "Mama I missed you" she whined.

"I missed you too, my dear little angel," she grinned. "Have you eaten," she inquired, scrutinizing her very well.

"Yes, Dada fed me" she clapped her hand excitedly. "Dada cooked delicious, '' she added with her bad speech. Afifah raised a brow, "really?" she teased. Glancing towards Nabil who was watching his wife and kids interaction.

"Yes, Mama too," the girl said. Afifah pinch her cheek slightly not in the way to hurt her Munchery. "You're so witty". She stood up and took her in her arms, together they walked further into the living room.

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