Chapter 21. Sanal's Bride

Start from the beginning

He had heard about the Varma family and their prestigious hotel empire. He was also aware of his grandfather being mentioning about the Varma during his random talks.

"Sam, Ready for our lunch meeting with the Clients? Dan, just called me that they are about to reach the premises. Sam?!" Vinay had entered Sameer's cabin and made himself comfortable in the chair. He saw his friend zoning out and paying zero attention to his words.

Sameer looked at his friend when he snapped him out of his thoughts.

Vinay asked him for his tension to which Sameer narrated the willingness of his wife to marry off Sanal to Prisha.

Vinay said that they were unnecessarily hurrying the matter.

"Sam, I hope you know what you are planning? Marriage is not a joke. And moreover, Sanal has just come out of a heartbreak. You can't just marry him off just so you want to see him happy asap. Give him some time. He needs it," Vinay tried to make his friend understand the trauma that Sanal was going through.

Sameer said that he had tried to make Latha understand the same but she was adamant. He told about the Varma family and their daughter who was basically the suitor selected by Latha for Sanal.

Vinay then thought that if he could just...

"Sam, I know that girl. She is perfect for our Sanal. But, before we take any steps towards the path of marriage. We should check whether the children are compatible with each other or not. Coz, this is not our generation, where the children will just agree to whatever their family wants them to do," Vinay was making his friend know the seriousness of the issue.

"And moreover, the Varmas' are not the type of people that you want to annoy by breaking their beloved daughter's heart. That child, Prisha is the most polite and simplest girl I have seen. She is practically an angel! Her entire demeanour is not what today's kids have. She is humble to those who deserve it and looking back at the time that I have conversed with her. She is the most genuine person who is bound to become the perfect partner for any guy. So, think about the girl before you decide to make her as your son's bride." Vinay was very straight forward in his views about Prisha. He didn't want to hurt the pure soul just because they wanted a saviour to mend Sanal's broken heart.

Sameer took into consideration the words that his bestie had told him. He said that he would not want to ruin a girl's future, just to save his son's screwed up life.

As Vinay was standing in the elevator, waiting for his floor to arrive. He thought about the crumbled situation that Sanal was going through and the cheerful nature of Prisha who would bring sunshine wherever she went.

As he sat in his car, he thought about the possibility of removing the sadness from Sanal's life through Prisha. He was sure that if Prisha would enter Sanal's life he would definitely look at life in a more hopeful sense.

He told his driver to take the car to the Varma Hotel Corporation.

End of flashback.

Afte much refusal, finally Pradeep agreed for the dinner party with the Menon's and Nair's at the Menon residence for the coming Sunday.

Vinay conveyed the message to his bestie who was having mixed feelings about this meet. Vinay assured him that he would be the mediator for him at the dinner.

Varma Residence

Prisha had finished her yoga session and now was preparing to have her bath.

She applied the ubtan blended by herself taking into the knowledge given by her grandmother, Sharanya's mother.

As a little girl, Prisha had spent most of her childhood in the village alongside with her grandmother in Sharanya's ancestral house.

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