They both settle on the car and he drives out of the house to the place of destination. "Have I ever told you how black looks good on you?" he asked, she looked up from the phone in her hand and nodded at him, smiling never letting her face. "When" he asked again, smudging her hand in his enjoying her soft hand. His lips slanted into a cute smile, she seemed like she was thinking before answering, "when we are on our honeymoon, in Bora Bora" she said and smiled too.

He nodded, "It's like the color is just made for you alone, you gave it exact meaning. Never know black will look good on someone this much"he commented and she blushed, she can't believe that just a simple compliment from him will.made her blush hard. "Like the white freak you are right" she teased.

"Well to my rescue, black is a dull color. But you changed its meaning".

They continue chit chatting excitingly on their way, talking about what and whatnot. More like a little gossiping between husband and wife, years back if any one will tell her that. One day she and Nabil will have a Normal conversation one on one. She laughed it away and won't believe it. Because he is still the one she knows, the misogynistic, cold and domineering brother that never lets her day go off without spoiling it. He never lets her rest and enjoys herself when he is at home, it is like she is sitting on needles when he is around.

But now, all she can say is Alhamdulillah. He was like a different person now, he talked, joked, played, teased, and prank. Completely changed person. "I never know that one day Sumayya will still be down, you know," Afifah said amidst laughing.

"I also, Jalil is in trouble ai. Who told him having that girl at home will be fun and now they are two, like mother like daughter" Nabil commented, and they laughed together.

"The girl is just so childish and stubborn, Inara too. I pity him though" she said.

"Let him be, who asked him to date my sister behind my back, I will have informed him who he was sniffing before he courted her" Nabil said mockingly, "barshi ya dandana, he won't do it next time" he added. And that is how they continue chatting until they arrive at their destination, in a warm atmosphere.

Well that just for minutes after they enter the house, a sudden change in Afifah's demeanor could not be hidden. Her hands and feet became cold as her heart was racing out of fear. "I told you nothing will happen, just calm down" Nabil tried to calm her down, caressing their intertwined hands gently.

"I should just wait for you in the car" she said, her eyes not leaving the gargantuan manse, so immaculate painted in white, like no one leaving inside because it has been taken off. Such a beautiful mansion but the people living inside have no beautiful heart. That was just a facade, they say; don't judge a book by its cover, and that exactly defines the building. "I should have just let you at home if I'm going to leave you in the car" he said, he dismounted the car and waltzed to her side of the car. Open the daughter and let her step down. "This gathering, without you, is incomplete. Don't you trust me?" He questioned, he drew his eyebrows. "I did" came her short reply.

"Then let's walk in together, I promise to not let any word throw at you" he promised. Picking her hand in his, he pecked on it before joining them with his intertwined. They walked into the house together with their heads held high. The maid opens the front door for them to get in.

After saying their taslim, Nabil greet Nenah and then Afifah followed by, which she just ignored her's as usual, her eyes was down but she could feel the hotness of their gaze on her that made her hand to clam, Nabil can feel that too since he held it in his. Looking around the spacious living room, mummy was also sitting there with an untold expression, Hajiya Hadiza, Karima, Zara (mummy's younger sister), and some of the family members. They went ahead and greeted them, which was answered by only mummy and Zara warmly.

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