chap 56; Divorce me!!

Start from the beginning

She cringed at some comments while swiping on others. She can't understand how people are these days, making stupid scenarios in their head without any realistic thought and spreading it as if it happens in front.

Going further, she came across one that says she was caught cheating with her boyfriend in her office by her husband. Some say, this was not her first time doing that, if not that how can the company be booming nonstop. They have that belief that a woman can not be this successful without bargaining herself in the way. They continue to question her chastity which she just hissed and overlooked.

People will talk, let them.

No matter what you didn't they will always talk, and one thing she agree is, you are something when people talk. You can never see people talking at non important people,  the  or the non influential. Whenever you see them talking there must be some sort of celebration, the riches and high ups. You have reached the line when rumors about you continue to spread like a wildfire. So she just scoffed at them. She was about to lock the phone screen when another notification made its way to her phone. She wanted to neglect it but some things caught her attention. She found herself startled, open-mouthed or was it marvel, she couldn't tell.

Was her eyes playing a trick on her or did she just see the almighty Sadiq Saraki behind the bars? Wanting to go deeper into the information but her rang distracting her from that. Looking at the caller ID, she hesitates before answering. After answering, she remained muted. Not able to find a suitable word to utter, her Heart was racing behind her ribcage. She was scared of what her mother in-law would say. Yes, now she is no longer her mother but her mother in law, she thought. She will reprimand her more than what her mom did two days back. Even her mother did not sympathize with her, who is her mother-in-law, she will definitely favor her son. Every mother will do that.

"Won't you talk to me" her mother's voice came on from the other end of the line. Wait, she didn't sound mad, birse nor ire. More like calm and soothing. Isn't she supposed to be wrathful, why calm and loving as always. "" she stammered, her voice was shaky, her throat tightening as she shook her head. The word mummy sounds so heavy on her tongue. This was the first time she felt held back in uncertainty to call her aunt mom.

The sounds of ear ring colliding with the screen from mummy's heard by Afifah notifying that the call wasn't terminated,mummy was still on the call. She sighed, this is all what she can offer, isn't bad or good to say, that is the all thing she was doing for the past days and it calmed her alot. "You're disappointed with me right" she finds herself saying that _more like whispering. She knows she is, everyone is disappointed with her. No one needed to tell her that, nevertheless she asked.

"Not really," came mummy's reply. "I'm more worried about you," she added. She could tell the surprise look on Afifah's face even without seeing her, and she couldn't help but grasp the little silence gasp from Afifah's side. She smiled, the assuring one as if Afifah was in her front. "How are you feeling? '' she went ahead to ask since Afifah made no effort to say a word. Her voice loving and caring as always, marvelous, always makes Afifah feel at ease and want to hear it nonstop. The woman just has it all, the ability to mend a broken heart with just a hug, wipe away tears with just a kiss, make one at ease with just a smile and make a person crave more of her beguiling voice.

"Is it fine? I don't know. But I'm emotionally wrecked" Afifah deadpanned, by the way she was so appreciative that some one really cared about her well-being at the moment , not going all-round with another series of scolding. And this treatment she was getting from her mother in-law is making her want to quit on what she was about to do. Not that she will though, things need to end anyhow.

"It's okay to feel that way" mummy said, "everything is okay now" she assured Afifah to be confused as to what she meant that everything is okay. "What do you mean?" She questioned.

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