Bonus Chapter: A Grace(ful) Christmas [Part 1]

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"Aww, now we have matching bracelets."

- JJ Maybank

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[Christmas Eve 2019]

Things calmed down for a while after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, there was no news on Big John's disappearance, but John B was slowly coming out of his funk, thanks to Abby and the boys. Uncle Teddy was around, but not all the time. He has a business in Mississippi, which requires him to leave for a few days here and there, but John B doesn't mind the freedom. Neither do his friends, taking full advantage of the parent free household to drink all day when they're not in school.

It's Christmas Eve, which is supposed to be a happy time of year, but the last two months have been rough on the Pogues. They've been dealing with Big John's disappearance, and taking care of John B, so it's been hard for any of them to really get into the Christmas spirit.

Abigail tried to rally the boys, they spent Christmas Eve Eve watching holiday movies and drinking beer, but it didn't do much to lift their spirits, or hers.

She was currently working, although she had no idea why the surf shop was even open on Christmas Eve. Business always slowed down in the Fall and Winter seasons, with the lack of tourists visiting the island, so it made zero sense why they'd be open today.

Abby wasn't complaining, though, because she has John B with her. After Thanksgiving, Gram offered him a job, to help keep him busy, although the older woman was slowly regretting that decision, since all he did was bother her granddaughter.

Abigail thought she'd hate working with him, but she didn't. Yes, it was annoying how he followed her around, but she enjoyed the company, and she liked seeing him distracted from the chaos he's been dealing with.

Which is part of the reason she forced Gram to make him work Christmas Eve with her. Because she had a plan, and she knew he'd hate it.

"So, when does Uncle T get back?" Abigail asked, stepping behind the counter with the Routledge boy, whose slapping sale tags on merchandise dated with the year 2019 on it.

John B shrugs. "Not sure, probably a few days."

"Sucks he had to rush back to Mississippi." Abigail sighs, pretending to be busy when she sees MJ walk through the door. "Did he ask you to go with him?"

"Yeah, but I didn't really feel like dipping out, you know." He tells her. She nods, understanding that he didn't want to spend Christmas in Mississippi with his Uncle while he's working. He'd rather be alone.

To bad he won't be alone.

"Well, what would you say if I had a proposition for you?" She smiles, turning her body to face his.

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