Chapter Fifty Four: Game Plan

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"You can't get 400 mil 'cause you're gonna go kill fish?"

- Kiara Carerra

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[present day]

The five teens ride in silence over to the Wreck. Kiara, John B and Sarah all saw how upset Abigail was when she climbed into the back of the van, but Pope shook his head, silently telling his friends not to ask. So, they didn't.

They were now sitting around a table in the deserted restaurant. John B glances between his three friends and his girlfriend, trying to find the right words to reassure them that everything would be okay.

He looks at Abigail, whose staring at the table, a heartbroken expression on her face, one that hurts his heart. He leans forward, placing a hand over hers. "Look, he'll come around, alright? It's..." he trails off, as Abigail lifts his gaze to meet his. "he's just doing a JJ thing."

She licks her lips, bringing her knees up onto the chair, and to her chest, resting her chin on top of her knees. "You think he'll go home?" Kiara asked.

"There's about a zero percent chance that JJ goes home." Pope tells them.

Abigail shakes her head. "I wouldn't say zero." She mumbles, as she remembers the direction he disappeared in earlier. Pope's eyes fall on her.

"You okay?" John B says quietly to Sarah, as Kiara brings a hand up, and places it on Abigail's back. The girl turns her head to her brunette friend, no longer listening to the conversation between the couple in front of her. Kiara gives her a small, reassuring smile, rubbing her back.

Pope sighs, beginning to pace behind the girls. "'s too dangerous to pawn this thing off piecemeal. So, our best bet is to go down there and get the rest of it." He tells his friends, placing his hands on the back of a chair. "Bring it all up at once. Put it in — like a safe, or a vault, or something — I don't know. Just until we can find someone who won't rip us off, okay?"

Kiara and John B nod along with him, as Kiara glances between Pope and Abigail, who doesn't even look like she's listening right now. "I can go figure it out tonight, and get it all done, and we can be out there as early as tomorrow morning."

"Alright, let's do it." John B says, sitting forward.

"Easy." Pope says, as Abigail lifts her head up.

"What about that thing with my dad?" Sarah questions, looking at her boyfriend.

Abigail, Pope and Kiara furrow their brows, their eyes flickering between the couple, as John B curses to himself. "What thing?" Abigail asked.

"I have to go fishing with Ward." John B tells them.

"You can't get 400 mil 'cause you're gonna go kill fish?" Kiara questions, confused.

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