Chapter Fifty Three: Eye for an Eye

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"This was a mistake."

- JJ Maybank

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[present day]

The Twinkie was tense, and quiet, the entire ride over to Barry's. JJ immediately got into the driver's seat, not trusting John B to actually drive them to the drug dealer's place. John B sat beside him, Abigail behind him. Both teens were watching the blonde closely, his body language not one they were used to dealing with.

JJ could be impulsive, yes. Hot-headed, for sure. But, Abigail or John B could usually talk him off the ledge when it was something dangerous, or just plain stupid. Right now, neither of them knew what to do, or what to say.

"Welcome to crackhead wasteland." Sarah mumbled from beside Abigail, as JJ turned the van towards Barry's.

"I don't know about this, man." Pope says, shaking his head. JJ ignores him, however, parking the van right outside the dealer's home. Pope glances over at Abigail, who looks completely lost. "Dude, what are we doing at Barry's?" He asks, trying again.

JJ glances down at the license in his hand, before reaching for the door handle. "This'll only take a second."

He closes the door behind him, walking around the van. Abigail sighs, moving from her seat to pull the sliding door open. "JJ, what are you doing?" She calls after him.

"Yo soy justicia." The blonde replies, not turning back, as he walks up the stairs and into the home.

Abigail sighs again, bringing a hand up to rub her forehead. "Did you gleam anything from that?" Pope asked, turning to her. She simply shakes her head.

"You know somebody should probably..." Kiara begins to say, but she's cut off by the sound of the passenger door opening.

"Yeah, I got it." John B says, stepping out of the vehicle.

"You sure?" Abigail asked. The brunette turns to her quickly, nodding, before he follows his best friend into the house.

Abigail steps out of the van, anyway, feeling anxious and needing to move around. Pope follows her out. "You okay?"

She nods, crossing her arms. "Yeah, yeah." She glances over at the house, before turning to Pope. "I'm just worried about him."

Kiara and Sarah step out of the van, walking over to them. "What do you think he's gonna do?" Kiara asked, gesturing to the house.

Abigail shakes her head. "I don't know...probably get even."

"How?" Sarah asked.

Abigail doesn't answer, because, truly, she's hoping John B manages to talk him down, and they walk away from this whole thing like it didn't happen.

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