Chapter Twenty Six: Abigail vs. Gram

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"I haven't been home because I don't wanna be home right now."

- Abigail Grace

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[present day]

The first few minutes of the drive home are quiet, Abigail keeps her gaze out the window, as MJ drives, taking quick glances at the teenager.

"Listen, Abby, you just gotta give her some more time." He finally speaks up.

Abigail sighs. "That's all you and everyone else has said for the last three weeks."

"She lost her daughter." MJ states. "There's no real timeframe for grief — especially when it's your child. When you're our age, and you outlive a child, it's a different kind of pain."

Abigail turns to the older man. "I want her to grieve, I wanted to be there for her, to help her. But, she's lashing out at me. MJ, she think's I'm acting out 'cause I'm sad, or mad — I don't even know." Abigail pauses, glancing out the window. "I know I should just sit there and take it, and that's what I've been trying to do,'s getting to be too much."

"I know, sweetie. I'm on your side." He tells her, as he makes a turn.

"You are?" Abigail furrows her brows.

"Yes, but, it's complicated. I can't exactly tell your grandmother that she's wrong — you know how stubborn she can be. She's been very sensitive the last few weeks, and I'm just trying to keep on her good side." MJ explains. "That doesn't mean that I'm okay with you skipping work."

Abigail turns in her seat to face the man. "I know — I know I messed up, and I'm so sorry. There's been a lot going on with my friends, and I just...It completely slipped my mind, but you know that's not usually like me, at all!"

"I know, and I told Maggie that. The store was slow anyway, it wasn't a huge deal." He admits. "Doesn't mean it's right, but I know you would never let it happen again."

Abigail shakes her head. "Definitely not." MJ chuckles, as they turn down their street. "So, on a scale of 1-10, how mad is she right now?"

MJ contemplates the answer for a moment. "I'd say she's teetering between a 7 or an 8."

Abigail groans, as he pulls the car into the driveway. "Do you have my back?"

He smiles at the young girl. "I'll try my best, Abby."

Abigail gives the man a small smile, as he leans forward to kiss her forehead.

They step out of the car, Abigail takes slow, deep breaths to keep herself calm. She helps MJ with the bags, before they both walk up the porch steps.

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