Chapter Thirty Five: The Longest Day Ever

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"No, I need to see JJ."

- Abigail Grace

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[present day]

Kiara and Abigail don't stick around Heyward's much longer after that. Instead, Kiara helps Abby load her bike into the back of her truck, both girls getting in and driving off.

Abigail tells her everything. She tells her about what happened at the golf course, how her and Pope got jumped by Rafe and Topper, beating the shit out of Pope with a golf club. She tells her about Pope sinking Topper's boat for revenge, swearing her and JJ to secrecy. She tells her about the kook boys harassing Pope at Heyward's before the movie, which is why JJ brought the gun, and that's what lead to the fight behind the movie screen.

"Well, now this all makes sense. I can't believe you knew all of this and didn't tell me." Kiara says, keeping her eyes on the road.

Abigail sighs, rubbing at her teary eyes. "Pope begged us not too — besides, I love you, but you totally would've been judgy about it."

"I would not!" Kiara exclaims.

"Kiara." Abigail deadpans. "You're being judgy right now."

"Okay, maybe a little." Kiara admits. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. What do we do now?"

Abigail sighs, shrugging. "I wish I knew..."

Kiara has the idea to go to the Chateau, and tell John B what's been going on, thinking he might have a plan. Abigail agrees, only because her mind is racing a million different directions, and she can't come up with a solid plan, herself. She hopes he's home.

When they arrive at the Chateau, it's still deserted. The house is quiet, with both the Twinkie and the boat still parked in their rightful spots. Kiara notices John B's backpack is gone, but the keys to both the boat and Twinkie still hang from the hook near the door.

Where the hell is he?

Abigail tells Kiara they don't have time for this, and they both agree to get back in the car.

Their next destination...Kildare County Sheriff's Department.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kiara asks, as they pull up outside of the white building.

"I don't know what else to do, Kie. I need to see him." Abigail unbuckles her seatbelt.

"There's a good chance they won't let us in." Kiara tells her, following the girl out of the car.

"I know, but I have to try." Abby reasons with the girl, as they walk up to the police station.

When the girls enter, they stop at the front desk, Abigail asking the woman behind the glass about JJ Maybank. The older woman disappears for a few seconds, returning with Deputy Plumb.

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