Chapter Sixty Three: Kildare Fight Club

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"Kidnapping you."

- John Booker Routledge

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[Fall 2019]

It was almost the end of the day, thank god. Abigail was sitting in her last class, Pope in front of her, actually paying attention to the teacher's lecture about English literature, while Abby drew in her notebook.

The bell ringing was quickly followed by Abigail slamming her book shut, a smile creeping up on her face.


Pope spins around in his chair, glancing at his friend before he starts packing up his stuff. "I'm gonna need your notes." Abigail told him, as she grabbed her bag and stood up.

He glanced up at her, his eyes wide. "You didn't take any?"

She chuckles, shaking her head. "I couldn't, it was so boring." She mumbled, glancing over at her teacher to make sure she wasn't heard.

Pope rolls his eyes, standing up. He pulls his backpack over his shoulder, looking down at the girl. "I swear, I'm gonna stop helping you guys cheat the system."

Abigail chuckles, linking her arm through his playfully, as they exit the classroom. "No, you won't. 'Cause you don't wanna see us fail, 'cause you love us." She teases, poking his side.

"I gotta get better friends." Pope mumbles under his breath, as a joke, but Abigail hears it, and burst into a fit of laughter. Pope smiles at her, as they reach their lockers.

"What's so funny?" JJ asks, pushing himself off of Abigail's locker so she can open it.

"Pope wants better friends." Abigail tells him, smiling, as she opens her locker.

"Good luck with that one, Pope. You're too weird for new friends." JJ tells him, standing beside Abigail as she hands him his hat that was inside her locker.

JJ doesn't use his locker, unable to remember the combination, or even care to know where it is. So, he throws his things in Abby's locker.

"Why's Pope weird?" John B asked, coming up beside Pope, whose slamming his locker shut. The brunette boy tosses his arm around his friend.

"Apparently he wants new friends." JJ informs him, as Abigail pushes her locker door closed.

"Good luck with that." John B tells him, patting his chest.

Pope rolls his eyes. "Okay, real funny — are we done here?" He asks.

Suddenly, the loud, crowded hallways get louder, but not with voices.

With texts.

Every single phone around them begins to ring. So much, that the Pogues all raise a brow, especially when their own phones go off. They all pull their phones from their pockets, noticing a message on their lock screens from an unknown number.

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