Chapter Twenty One: Two Hot Distractions

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"You gotta let somebody else in, Abby."

- Kiara Carerra

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[present day]

The Pogues were now back in the van, driving to their next location, Kiara's house, to pick up her car. The plan was for her to distract the guard at the savage yard so the boys could sneak in.

"Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're borrowing it." John B tries reassuring his friend, as he drives.

"Yeah...borrowing." Abigail repeats, using air quotes when she says borrowing, as she lays back on the bench.

"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope tells his friends. Abigail furrows her brows, turning her head to look over at the boy.

"Wait, did you come up with that?" John B asks, his eyebrows also raised.

"No, Albert Bernstein came up with that, but it applies to this whole treasure hunting thing." Pope clarifies.


"So, which is it? Fantasy or reality?" Pope asks, turning in his seat to face John B.

"Why you so weird, Pope?" JJ asks, licking the blunt in his hands as he finishes rolling it up.

"Its fantasy, but possible reality." Kiara answers the dark-skinned boy.

"Preach, sis." Abigail says, agreeing with the girl in the front seat.

"Reality." John B says smiling, turning to Kiara.

"Virtual reality." JJ mumbles, pulling his lighter from his pocket to light the joint. Pope reaches over, grabbing the blunt and flicking it towards the back of the van.

JJ looks at the boy like he just shot his dog. "Keep the signal clear."

JJ flicks his lighter shut, as Abigail reaches down to pick up the blunt, showing JJ that she picked it up, without Pope seeing. She puts it in her pocket, before mouthing, "Later."

"You know what your problem is?" JJ starts to tell Pope, as the van rolls to a stop right next to Kiara's truck. Kiara gets out of the front seat, grabbing her bag.

"You?" Pope says.

"No! It's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense!"

"I'm not too tense." Pope defends, as Kiara pulls the back door open.

"Let's go, Abby." Abigail stands up and exits the van.

"Wait, you're both going?" JJ asks, immediately forgetting about his conversation with Pope as Abigail turns to face him from outside the van.

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