Book Two Snippets

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this story has like blown up so much over the past few weeks, and i'm so ridiculously overwhelmed. i'm reading all your messages and comments, and i'm so thankful. thank you to everyone voting, commenting and sharing this with their friends. it means so much to me. happy to know my writing doesn't completely suck.

book two is very, very close to being posted -- like way closer than y'all think ;) 

but i thought i'd give you guys a few snippets of jj and abby throughout book two.

it's spoiler free, so scroll down to check it out!


"baby steps, right?"

"baby steps."


"i was fine."

"yeah, you looked fine when i found you drunk in the woods, sleeping under a tree."

"i don't know what you want me to say, abby."


"just leave me alone. go worry somewhere else."

"whatever, jj. sorry i care."


"i'm not gonna break that promise."


"you're allowed to have this one thing, abby."

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