Chapter Twenty Five: Drone Deep Dive

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"Did those words really just come out of your mouth?"

- Abigail Grace

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[present day]

When the five Pogues woke up the next morning, they quickly changed and drove the HMS over to Heyward's. Pope convinces his dad to let the teenagers borrow the boat for a few hours. The boys loaded the drone onto the boat, before speeding off to the "supposed" location of the Royal Merchant wreck. JJ drives the boat, while John B and Pope set up the drone, Kiara observing silently.

Abigail wanders into the cockpit of the boat, jumping up onto the counter, while JJ steers.

"'Sup, pretty girl." He greets, a small grin on his face.

She smiles at him. "They're bickering." She gestures her head to Pope and John B, who are silently arguing about certain controls of the drone, Pope trying to patiently explain it to the brunette boy.

JJ chuckles. "Yeah, I heard." He glances quickly over his shoulder to look at his friends, before turning back, his gaze now flickers between the girl in beside him, and the water. "So, Gram gonna be pissed you didn't go home last night?"

Abigail shakes her head. "I don't really care, to be honest. She wants a rebellious teenager so badly, she got one."

"I wouldn't call you rebellious." He tries to joke, she rolls her eyes.

"She thinks I'm acting out, like a child looking for attention. Best of all, she thinks it's 'cause of my mom." Abigail scoffs. "She's just projecting her grief and anger onto me, and I'm not gonna keep going home to deal with it."

He stares at the girl. "She'll come around, Abs. Just give her some time."

"It's been almost three weeks, J." She finally turns to meet his eyes. "I'm not telling her she can't be sad, I just wish she didn't drag me down with her."

"Have you tried, like, talking to her?" The blonde asked, his gaze back on the water.

Abigail gapes at him. "Did those words really just come out of your mouth?"

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