Chapter Sixty Two: Kook Year Bullshit

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"You're not gonna say anything?"

- Abigail Grace

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[September 2019]

John B was right about one thing, the Pogues did enjoy what was left of their summer.

Despite work schedules, they managed to see each other everyday, to some extent. The boys would visit Abigail at the surf shop, until MJ scared them off. They went out on the HMS, drinking and fishing, they went surfing almost everyday, spending their nights sitting around a fire at the Chateau, passing around JJ's flask.

They were all really glad Abigail was acting more like herself again. She was back to being care free, laughing and enjoying the company of her friends, no one mentioning Aaron Riley's name for the rest of the summer.

But every season has an end, and there's always this moment where you actually realize that it's over. For Abigail, summer officially ended when students at school started whispering about the Bonfire.

Every year, at the beginning of fall, the teenagers of the OBX throw a massive bonfire. Everyone shows up, Pogues and Kooks.

Abigail and the boys were on the porch of the Chateau, JJ passing out beers and daring everyone to shotgun. They raced to see who could chug it the fastest, he won, of course.

The four of them walked to the bonfire, excited for another fun night. The first month of school dragged, but the warm weather left without so much as a goodbye, so they were all feeling the summer withdrawals.

Abigail walked ahead with Pope, who was telling her about this scholarship opportunity he was thinking of applying for. JJ and John B begged him not to talk about school, but Abigail simply shushed them, linked arms with the Heyward boy, and urged her friend to continue.

When they arrived, the party was in full swing. Music was blasting from somewhere, echoing throughout the abandoned space. Everyone was dancing and socializing, and drinking.

Everyone besides Pope, of course. "I keep the signal clear." He told his friends. Abigail snorted behind her beer, clinking her can with JJ and John B, before they went their separate ways.

JJ and John B were trolling for single girls to hook up with, while Pope and Abigail were talking to a few people they knew from school.

Abby would never admit it to the boys, but she really missed having Kiara by her side at these parties. She sometimes felt like she was intruding on their time, even though they always beg her to come and get excited when she agrees. But, having a girlfriend by your side at parties like this was a comfort she quickly got used to, and she sometimes finds herself wishing Kiara would reach out to them again.

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