Bonus Chapter: A Grace(ful) Christmas [Part 2]

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"I'm your best friend, I see it."

- John Booker Routledge

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[Christmas Day 2019]

The rest of Christmas Eve went by smoothly, and the boys were sent home later that night with enough leftovers to feed them for the week.

Abigail woke up on Christmas Day to a new pair of white sneakers, some special art pencils that she's had her eye on for months and film for her polaroid camera.

After eating breakfast with Gram and MJ, she quickly changed so she can head over to the Chateau. Her grandparents were taking the ferry to the mainland to see MJ's kids, and as much as Abigail loves his family, she convinced Gram that she should spend the day with the boys, and the older woman agreed.

So, the girl kissed her grandparents goodbye, smuggled a bottle of vodka from the kitchen before climbing onto her bike and pedaling towards her friend's home. She made a stop along the way to buy stuff to make s'mores and lemonade to mix the vodka with.

She was surprised when she arrived at the Chateau to hear music blasting throughout the house. Abby leans her bike against the house, before walking up the porch steps. When she enters the screened porch, she spots JJ and John B sharing a blunt.

Her jaw drops. "You started smoking without me?" She exclaims.

John B just coughs in response, while JJ turns to the girl, a bright smile on his face. "'Sup pretty girl."

Abigail rolls her eyes. "And here I was smuggling vodka for you assholes."

John B's head snaps in her direction. "You brought us vodka?" She rolls her eyes again, holding up the bags in her hands. John B slaps a hand over his chest. "You're too good to us, Abs."

JJ stands from his chair, walking over to the small girl. He holds the blunt out for her to take, his other hand gesturing for her to hand him one of the bags. "Switch."

Abby doesn't hesitate, handing him one bag, before grabbing the blunt and bringing it to her lips. JJ peaks his head into the bag, his brows furrowed, as John B walks over to them. "This doesn't look like vodka."

Abigail simply gestures to the other bag in her hand, before pulling the blunt away from her lips. "I also bought stuff to make s'mores." She smiles.

"Awesome." John B drags out, peaking over JJ's shoulder.

"Why?" JJ asks, a small grin on his face.

Abby shrugs, her smile widening. "'Cause I wanted s'mores."

JJ's smile widens at the girl, without realizing he's even doing it, because he finds her so adorable. John B sees it, though, a small smile on his face as he glances between the two.

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