Chapter Forty Three: Business Meeting at the Hawk's Nest

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"Kiara, holding onto your grudge is like drinking poison and thinking Sarah will die."

- Pope Heyward

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[present day]

John B drops the boat off at the Chateau, everyone piling into the Twinkie so they can go meet Sarah at the Hawk's Nest.

That still sounds so weird to say.

The ride was mostly quiet, Kiara sitting with her arms crossed, and a deep scowl on her face the entire time. Abigail lays on the back bench, since both boys were sitting on the floor of the van for some reason, JJ leaning against the bench she's on, and Pope leaning against the passenger seat.

The van comes to a stop right outside the Hawk's Nest, and Pope sits up to pull the sliding door open. "Hit it boys! We're going. Recon mission." JJ says, as Abigail lifts herself up to sit.

Just as the boys are about to jump out of the van, John B spins around quickly. "Yo, so, uh, I think I'm gonna do this one by myself. Tonight."

Abigail can't stop the chuckle that falls from her lips, as they hear thunder rumbling in the distance. "Really?" JJ asked, sliding back against the bench once again.

"What?" John B asked, turning to the boys.

"Nothing, brother." JJ says, pulling his hat off.

"I just don't wanna spook Sarah with the peanut gallery." John B defends.

"Keep telling yourself that, JB." Abigail mumbles.

John B opens his mouth to respond, but Kiara decides to speak up. "I just don't understand why we're involving her at all."

"Kie, we're not involving her, okay?" He says, Kiara shoots him a look. "It's-it's just, uh, like a-a business meeting...thing." Abigail looks down as JJ uses a blunt he pulled out of his pocket to pretend to suck it off. Pope laughs quietly, and Abigail shoves the back of his head playfully. He spins around to face her, but John B continues. "Look, once we get what we need, we cut her loose, alright? Plus, we need the map."

"Promise me nothings happening between you two." Kiara says.

"Nothing's happening, Kie." John B says quickly, not maintaining eye contact with the girl.

"I'm being serious."


Abigail sighs, tired of this back and forth. "This isn't about you, and this isn't about us. This is about her." Kiara tells him, thunder growing louder. "Dude, she's gonna get inside your head. Just promise me nothing's happening between you guys."

"I promise."

The two teens stare at each other for a moment.

"That was really believable." JJ says, sarcastically.

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