Chapter Two: Distracting Views

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"Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest member of the food chain. Okay. So, the downside of pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. But the upside of pogue life? We're ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want."

- John Booker Routledge

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[present day]

Abigail tosses over on the pullout, immediately being met with brown, curly hair in her face. She shoves at Kiara's shoulders, signaling for the girl to scoot over.

"Well, good morning to you too." Kiara grumbles, shifting so they weren't on top of each other.

The sound of the bathroom door opening makes both girls turn their heads, surprised any of the boys are awake before they are. John B rounds the corner, pausing to greet the two girls on the pullout. "Morning, Kie. Morning, little red."

"Morning." Both girls mumble, as Abigail tries to close her eyes again.

Her eyes shoot open less than a minute later, when her alarm starts to go off. She groans. "No."

"Work?" Kiara asks, juul pen between her lips. Abigail nods, sitting up, but still not leaving the bed. She stretches her arms out, taking in the mess surrounding her.

"Jeez, thank god I won't be around to clean this up." Abigail chuckles, rubbing her eyes.

Kiara sits up to see what the girl means. She groans. "Ugh, no. Abby, please don't leave me with this."

Abigail shrugs, as she stumbles out of the bed, tripping over a red solo cup. Kiara chuckles as her red-haired friend reaches for her bag on the floor, before she makes her way to the bathroom.

Abigail sighs as she closes the door, taking in her appearance in the dirty bathroom mirror. She turns the sink on and splashes some water on her face before brushing her teeth. She changes into her work t-shirt and a pair of shorts before tying her big, messy hair up into a ponytail.

Her phone goes off again, and she brings it to her ear, not even reading the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Abigail Grace, your ass better be up and on your way to work." Her grandmother threatens through the phone. A small smile appears on her lips.

"Oh, I am one step ahead of you, Gram. I'll be on time, don't worry." She reassures the older woman.

"Good, I'm watching the clock." She warns. "You have 15 minutes."

"Great, see you in 10." Abigail quickly hangs up the phone, stepping out of the bathroom. She hears a giggle come from John B's room, and she immediately rolls her eyes.

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