Chapter Five: JJ's Secret

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"JJ, have you seen yourself?"

- Abigail Grace

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[Fall 2018 — Freshman Year]

Abigail was 14, a freshman in high school, when she found out about the abuse JJ suffers from at home.

The two got partnered up for a history project, which JJ was thrilled about because he knew Abby was going to just slap his name on the front and he wouldn't have to do a damn thing, just like she usually did when they worked together. Abigail didn't mind doing the work herself, knowing JJ would either, a, ask her a million questions because he was clueless on the topic, or, b, do it completely wrong and either way she would end up doing it.

JJ would always keep her company when they got partnered for a project. He thought the least he could do was grace her with his presence, and offer some form of moral support. So, the two made plans to meet at Abby's after school so he could watch her work on the project. JJ told her he would meet her at her house, saying something about making a stop home first.

But, two hours after she got home and started working, she realized JJ never showed up. She called him a few times, but he didn't pick up. She sent him a few texts, but those went unanswered too.

She was starting to get annoyed, thinking that he blew her off. And here she was, doing his homework. Like an idiot, she thought.

She tossed her phone across the floor, and continued working. After about another hour, she had about a third of the project done, and started working on other assignments. Her phone vibrated shortly after that, and she leaned forward to pick it up. She was hoping it was JJ, but it was John B.


"Hey, little red — does Gram's shop have any more of that coconut scented board wax?" John B said through the other line.

Abby furrows her brows at the random question. "Uh, I think so — I'll ask when she gets home."

"Cool, if she does — I need all of it." He tells her, the girl chuckles.

"Okay, weirdo — hey, JJ with you?" She asked.

"JJ? No, I thought he was with you." John B said, Abby sat up at his words.

"No, he said he was stopping home before meeting at my place, but he never showed." Abigail closed her books, moving to shove them back in her bag.

"Oh...really?" John B asked, his normal tone wavering. Abby raised her brows at this.

"Umm, yeah...why?" She asked, hearing John B mutter something under his breath. "What is it?"

"N-nothing, I'm sure he just fell asleep when he got home and forgot to text you." John B lied, Abby wasn't convinced. "My dad's calling me, I gotta go."

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