Chapter Fifty Two: Pawn Shops Problems

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"Where's this warehouse?"

- JJ Maybank

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[present day]

As soon as the gold was good and melted, the six of them hopped into the van, and took off for the pawn shop. Abigail was sitting next to JJ, on the bench behind John B, while Pope and Kiara sat on the back bench. JJ was fiddling with the now messy, melted down gold bars in his hands, Abigail rested her head on his shoulder, admiring the gold.

The Twinkie pulls up right outside the pawn shop, JJ moving to get up and pull the sliding door open.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ says, as Kiara follows him out of the van.

The brunette furrows her brows, as Pope and Abigail step out. "Like you could've done any better."

JJ turns to her. "I could've done much better, actually. I took a welding class."

Abigail rolls her eyes at his ridiculousness, as Kiara turns her entire body to face him. "Really? When?"

John B steps forward, shushing his friends. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey — shh!" He glances between both of them. "Chill out, okay?"

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one who has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ says, holding up the gold. Kiara rolls her eyes, as Abigail shakes her head. "How'd I get this job anyway?" He says, adjusting his backpack.

"Because you're the best liar." Pope deadpans, Abigail slaps his shoulder.

JJ turns to Abigail, gesturing for her to walk in with him. "Let's go, pretty girl." She furrows her brows, but moves next to him. "If I gotta be the one lying through my teeth, you're gonna be up there with me."

Abigail rolls her eyes. "Whatever you want, blondie." She smiles, as JJ takes her hand, and they pull the door to the shop open. A bell rings out, as he steps into the store.

"Afternoon, ma'm." JJ greets, as he walks with Abigail to the front counter.

The older woman behind the counter looks both teens up and down, as the rest of their friends fill into the store, spreading out. "Afternoon."

"I see you buy gold." JJ says.

"That's what the sign says, don't it?" She tells him, her hands on her hips.

JJ drops Abigail's hand to grab his backpack from his shoulder, and place it down on the counter. "Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I am about to blow your mind."

"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it." The pawnshop lady says, as JJ reaches into his backpack.

He pulls the gold out, and places it down on the counter in front of the lady. "How about them gold apples?"

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