Chapter 43 The village bully and big goose

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  You Jingui was scolded by her father-in-law, Sang and Huai, and she felt sullen in her heart.

  She needs to vent.

  Her mother's kangtou is the best place for her to vent.

  "The dead old woman set me up and offered to split the family. I didn't say anything, but my father-in-law scolded me." You Jingui leaned on the bedside of her mother's house, kowtowed melon seeds, and described to her mother-in-law how the old lady Bai was. When mentioning the separation, how can the white board scold people.

  "The old woman is right in saying that as long as Er Zhuang agrees, the family will be separated. It's useless for you to play tricks at home, you should put your strength on Er Zhuang." Qian said while picking up beans.

  "I haven't worked hard all these years, mother, don't you know? If Er Zhuang doesn't agree with me, what can I do?" You Jingui felt bitter, even if the wind blows to his ears, the spring breeze will turn into rain slowly, and his man will come home once a month , Before she could breathe, she lifted her leg and left.

  "Back when you made such a big fight, you thought you were capable and cunning, but it's not good to be a scholar lady." Sitting on the chair opposite to You Jingui, You Lanhua, the third sister of the You family, uttered sarcasm .

  You Lanhua and You Jingui don't deal with each other when they are young, they fight for beauty and clothes when they are in the boudoir, and when they are out of the court, they compete with men and their in-laws. You Lanhua married a rich man in the town as a second wife, and she usually wears silk, silk, satin and hairpins in gold and silver. The disadvantage is that the rich man is already half-old, and her eldest stepson is two years older than her. You Jingui became the first scholar lady in Shenshu Village as she wished, but her life has been struggling on the poverty line, and her relationship with men is also deserted.

  Comparing the married life of the two sisters, no one has the upper hand.

  You Lanhua was leaning on the back of the chair, wearing the most fashionable silver-red jacket, blue satin vest, white silk pleated skirt, the clinking of two carved gold bracelets on her wrists, the gleaming golden light irritated Youjing Gui's eyes.

  "Third sister, don't laugh at me. If it weren't for me, would you be able to live in gold and silver? I'm suffering for you now." Youjingui vomited melon seeds angrily.

  As soon as these words came out, You Lanhua's fire was ignited at once.

  She wears gold and silver, what did she get in exchange for that?

  She is the best born among several sisters, at the same age as a flower, married to a man older than her own father, and has three stepchildren who are all worried. The man is a silver-like wax gun, and after all these years, he has no children. Although You Jingui has a bad relationship with the scholar, he still has a son by his side.

  You Jingui deserves the suffering behind her.

  Obviously, it should be You Jingui who married the dead old man of the Yan family back then, but she was tricked by this dead girl because of her own carelessness.

  "As the old saying goes, what is yours is yours, and what you snatch is not yours after all. Your suffering is all planted by yourself, and you rely on me? I didn't let you jump into the river, and I didn't let you seduce you wet. The second child of the Bai family."

  You Lanhua flicked the bead flower on her head, her mouth not forgiving.

  If she had married the second child of the Bai family, with her appearance and scheming, she would have stabilized the Bai family. It's all my fault that I was thin-skinned back then, and I didn't want to use any indiscriminate means. I originally planned to get close to Bai Erzhuang slowly, but I didn't expect that my idiot girl would use dirty tricks to get ahead.

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