Chapter 12 Jade Pendant

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  This baby is hungry.

  Xiao Fuyuan twisted her body, looked eagerly at Mrs. Zhen, and sucked her little mouth.

  This is a standard action when she is hungry, and Zhen Shi got it immediately!
  "Oh, baby, here's for you to eat." Mrs. Zhen hugged Xiao Fuyuan in her arms, feeling distressed.

  Xie Chuntao felt distressed when she saw that her sister-in-law was hungry. She got up, took out the goat milk that was warming on the stove, quickly poured it into the water bag, tightened the "nipple", and handed it to Mrs. Zhen.

  I have to feel the wisdom of the working people.

  In order for Xiao Fuyuan to drink milk conveniently without being choked. Bai Muban bought a water bladder, scalded it with sheepskin and fixed it into the shape of a pacifier. The combination of the two perfectly transformed it into a feeding bottle.

  Zhen took the water bag version of the bottle and skillfully put the nipple to Xiao Fuyuan's mouth. Xiao Fuyuan took the pacifier in her mouth and sucked hard.

  Now there are two dairy goats in the family, one was bought by Big Fish, and the other was given by Xia Qinghe. The two sheep were milked in turn, making Xiao Fuyuan fat and white.

  The whole family watched Xiao Fuyuan drink milk happily.

  Bai Muban compares the images of the little girl with the brats in front of her when she was young. The girl is better, she looks so good when she drinks milk, and the New Year pictures are as beautiful as dolls.

  After Xiao Fuyuan drank the milk, she let go of the pacifier, and her big round eyes looked at this and that.

  "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." Maybe it was because she was full, and the powder dumpling was satisfied and cheerfully speaking the language of babies that everyone could not understand.

  "...I haven't had time to buy something for my sister, let's make a dress for my sister with this tael of silver." Bai Erzhuang took out his own Shuxiu of this month and handed it to the old lady Bai.

  Originally, he paid two taels of silver for beam repairs every month, but he used one tael of silver to buy charcoal and firewood for his family.

  "Let your mother take care of your sister." The old lady Bai didn't answer, and motioned to Mrs. Zhen.

  Zhen took the silver.

  You Jingui, who was sitting beside her, pulled her face down instantly.

  She doesn't have any new clothes yet, so why don't you think about her.

  He didn't want to think about the girl in his own wife's belly, but instead went to the pole to curry favor with other people's girls.

  It seems that what mother said is right, we must find a chance to separate the family.

  With her man's two taels of silver a month, he can rent a nice yard in the town. How beautiful it is for the couple to live behind closed doors after getting rid of the old Bai's family who are dragging their feet.

  Seeing You Jingui's collapsed face, Bai Erzhuang's eyes darkened.

  "Father, mother, I paid Erlang some medicine for my wages, and I will bring a gift for my sister when I come back next time." Bai Sanzhuang scratched his head embarrassedly.

  What he didn't mention was that he had just started out as an apprentice, and the money for the medicine was all paid in advance.

  "You've just graduated from school, so you don't have any spare money, as long as you have the heart. Erlang's illness is our family's top priority, so it doesn't matter if you don't buy a gift for your sister." Zhen looked at Bai Laosan with a distressed face

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