Chapter 27 False Pregnancy

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  Saying, the blood on You Jingui's pants scared Xie Chuntao out of her wits. She thought she had pushed her sister-in-law into a miscarriage. .

  You Jingui didn't have a stomachache and was in good health. If Xie Chuntao hadn't yelled that there was blood on her pants, she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

  Subconsciously, he touched his trousers with his hand, touched the blood in his hand, and then felt the blood flow down his legs more happily.

  Xue reminded You Jingui that the child in her stomach might not be kept.

  You Jingui panicked, she has always been in good health, Huai Saburo would go to his mother's house to help grind tofu with a puffy stomach, it's okay, she didn't believe that Xie Chuntao could push herself to miscarry.

  "Xie Chuntao, what's on your mind? You know I'm pregnant but you still push me, you push my daughter away, you just wait to be divorced by the Bai family." You Jingui shouted at Xie Chuntao.

  Xie Chuntao's face turned pale with fright, facing You Jingui's scolding, she supported You Jingui to sit on the bed.

  "My daughter... my poor daughter... ouch..." Sitting next to Xiao Fuyuan, You Jingui began to cry.

  Ah, the second sister-in-law who wants to be strong is not howling, tears are falling, she looks really sad.

  It seems that the second sister-in-law doesn't know that there is no baby in her stomach!
  Xiao Fuyuan was babbling, really wanting to tell the two sister-in-laws the truth.

  Xie Chuntao was so frightened that she didn't know what to do. After calming down, she remembered to invite Mr. Wu from the village.

  Wu Langzhong happened to be eating Xiaofu's full moon banquet, so he didn't have to go home to invite him.

  "Brother and sister, sit down first, I'll call Mr. Wu for you."

  Xie Chuntao left the crying You Jingui, staggered and rushed out.

  You Jingui cried more and more sadly.

  Xiao Fuyuan shook her head, wondering if the second sister-in-law would be even more sad when she found out that there was no baby in her stomach.

  "Wu Langzhong..." Xie Chuntao pulled Wu Langzhong away from the table and knocked over the wine in front of Wu Langzhong.

  "What's the matter?" Mrs. Bai is a smart person, she found out when Xie Chuntao came out of the upper room in a panic, and she knew something was wrong when she saw her dragging Wu Langzhong into the upper room.

  The only patient in the family was Erlang, who was supported by Bai Zhaomei to eat at this time. It wasn't Erlang, could it be...

  The old lady Bai didn't dare to think, her little granddaughter was the only one in the room, she was so scared that her heart flew out.

  "Grandma." Xie Chuntao wiped away tears as soon as she opened her mouth, "I'm afraid the second sibling will have a miscarriage."

  It wasn't Xiao Fuyuan! The old lady Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

  "What, the second daughter-in-law had a miscarriage?"

  Knowing that something was wrong with the child in Eujingui's womb, the old lady Bai was still heartbroken. She didn't like Youjingui any more, but the child in Youjingui's womb was the blood of the Bai family.   "Xie Chuntao, you are a black-hearted and rotten heart and lung. You just don't want me to be pregnant with a daughter. You

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