Chapter 37 Xiaoyuan Baoyong saves people

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  Bai Sanzhuang saw that old lady Bai's complexion was not very good-looking, and knew that she had heard what Xu Jiaojiao scolded him.

  "Grandma, don't be angry." Bai Sanzhuang smiled forcefully.

  He was afraid that old lady Bai would call him home to farm in a fit of anger. He doesn't want to farm, he just wants to do business.

  But the old lady Bai said: "Working for others, whoever doesn't get scolded by the master is not worth anything. I will sit here and delay your work. There is a steamed stuffed bun shop next to it. I will take your sister there for lunch." Rice, your father and your elder brother can see it when they pass by."

  He said, picked up the pork and the spring clothes of the fourth child of the Bai family and stood up.

  Bai Sanzhuang knew that he couldn't keep his grandma, so he took money to send them out.

  "Fourth brother, here is the money for you. You need it for the exam in Fucheng." Bai Sanzhuang handed the money to Bai Panmei.

  He had originally thought about going to school to send it to the fourth child in two days, but it happened that the fourth child came out, so he didn't have to go alone.

  "Third brother, I haven't spent all the money you gave me last time, and second brother also gave some." Bai Panmei held the retouching fee for writing the script in her arms, and she didn't want third brother's money.

  Bai Sanzhuang then handed over the money to the old lady Bai.

  After leaving the lacquerware shop, the old lady Bai said to Bai Sanzhuang: "Xiao San, please look at the shop, it has been delayed for half a day. The bun shop is not far from here, and Xiao Si can go with me and your sister." Bai

  Sanzhuang To send grandma and younger sister there, Xiao Fuyuan clasped his hands together and bowed to the fourth brother, "Good fourth brother, look at the shop." The gloom in

  Bai Sizhuang's heart eased a lot.

  "Too grandma."

  "Fourth brother."

  "Fourth uncle."


  Bai Muban bought vegetable seeds, and met Bai Dazhuang who came out of the rice store, so several men in the Bai family carried the purchases Things come to the lacquerware shop together.

  "Grandma, why are you standing at the door without taking your sister in?" Bai Dazhuang asked.

  "I've already had tea and cakes. Don't delay the third child to look at the shop. It's just noon. Let's go to the steamed stuffed bun shop for dinner   .


delay son. He told Bai Sanzhuang to take a good look at Gu's shop and not to be lazy, and the group went to the steamed stuffed bun shop.

  Dalang Saburo jumped up happily when he heard about eating big meat buns.

  The two of them were so hungry that their chests were stuck to their backs. Along the way, the two of them who were attracted by all kinds of food left saliva, knowing that their family was poor and dared not ask Bai Dazhuang for money to buy it, so they swallowed their saliva and endured it all the way.

  "Xiaosi, why did you get out of school?" Bai Muban asked Bai Panmei as usual.

  "I'm going out to buy pens and paper, and I'll stop by to see Third Brother," Bai Panmei said.

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