Chapter 17 Reeds Sloping

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  Bai Muban was very depressed.

  Why can't Lao Bai's family save money for so many years? They have been living a tight life.

  When he was seven or eight years old, his family was helped by his great-grandfather Baibazi and his brothers.

  The brothers who worshiped Babazi and their great-grandfather passed the imperial examination together, but the great-grandfather failed the rankings, and the brothers who worshiped Babazi became the home of Zhongming Dingshi in high school. When he was young, he followed his grandma to the house to fight the autumn wind. He was given one hundred and fifty taels of silver, clothes, food, gold and silver ornaments, and hired a car before leaving.

  Lao Bai bought a good field with 150 taels of silver from the autumn wind. The harvest in the field is very good every year. He sold a lot of silver to repair a big yard and build a big house. Life is full of vitality.

  Unexpectedly, within a few years of the good times, the families of the descendants of the brothers and sisters were in trouble, the males were exiled and beheaded, and the female relatives were sold as slaves and prostitutes.

  Lao Bai's family is not the kind of ungrateful people, in order to save those who are still alive in distress, they sold the land and took it as the family's property.

  After this encounter, the old Bai family returned to abject poverty.

  Never got up again.

  Only the big courtyard and a few blue tile houses at home can still see the prosperity of those years.

  The white board walked along the road at the door, wading through the thick snow, thinking while walking.

  Unknowingly, I strolled to the river at the head of the village.

  It is the river where Bai Erzhuang took Bai Zhaomei and Dalang Saburo to fish.

  People in the village were envious when they saw the big fish caught by Bai's family. In those days, people smashed the ice surface to catch fish every day, but they found nothing, and they didn't stop until someone fell into the ice hole.

  The broken holes on the river soon formed new ice, which shone brightly in the setting sun.

  He won't go to the ice hole to catch fish by himself again, he doesn't believe that there will be two good luck like last time.

  Looking around from the white board, the snow-covered river bank is covered with snow, and large areas of withered and yellow reeds are toppled in the wind in the setting sun, and clusters of snow-white reed flowers are blown away.

  He walked towards the reeds, intending to pull out some reed strips and reed flowers, and weave double-haired nests for his youngest son and three grandchildren.

  Of course, the little girl is also indispensable.

  Maowo is a popular shoe in winter in various villages in the Nanguan mountain area. The poor people in the village can't afford cotton shoes, so they invented Maowo as a substitute for cotton shoes.

  The bottom is clogs, which are woven with reeds and reed flowers. Walking in the snow will not slip or wet the feet, and the warmth is no less than that of cotton shoes.

  The key is that the material is easier to obtain than cotton, and the reeds by the river can be picked up casually.

  Bai Muban has a good handcraft of weaving fur nests, and he taught many families in the village.

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