Chapter 18 Wild Boar

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  "Father, second brother, third brother, hurry up and help."

  Bai Muban just took a breath to pick up the sugar water handed by Xie Chuntao, when he heard Bai Dazhuang shouting from outside the yard.

  Hearing that voice, there was a three-point surprise in anxiety, mixed with heavy panting.

  What's wrong with this?
  The old lady Bai and Mrs. Zhenzheng hadn't recovered from the pheasant, when they looked up, they saw Bai Dazhuang and Bai Zhaomei pushing the small cart towards the door with difficulty, and the wheels of the cart billowed with gusts of white snow.

  "My mother!" After seeing the contents of the trolley clearly, the old lady Bai rubbed her chest, her pupils shrank.

  Jesus, there's a wild boar in the cart.

  The fat body and ferocious pig's head shocked everyone in the Bai family again.

  The trolley is too small, half of the pig's body is hanging out, which looks very funny.

  As soon as Bai Muban put the bowl into the snow, he walked towards the cart.

  "What are the two strong and the third strong standing and staring at? Hurry up and help push the cart." Mrs. Zhen calmed down and woke up the completely petrified Bai Lao Er Bai Lao San.

  Bai Erzhuang and Bai Sanzhuang followed Bai Muban's buttocks, and ran to help push the cart.

  Quite heavy.

  "One, two, three..." the men of the Bai family yelled, pushing the wild boar into the yard with concerted efforts.

  "Give me a bowl of water quickly." Bai Dazhuang was panting tiredly.

  "Me too." Bai Zhaomei held her red palm.

  It was not an easy task to carry the wild boar down from the mountain and push it home along the snow, but it made the brothers very tired.

  Xie Chuntao smiled and handed the two brothers a bowl of water.

  "Grandma, Grandma..." A clear and tender child's voice sounded at the door.

  Everyone in the Bai family was shocked again.

  Erlang Saburo stood at the door with two fat rabbits in his arms, gasping for breath. The two of them followed behind the brothers of the Bai family, holding the rabbit tightly with their small hands, walking in the snow with one foot deep and one shallow foot, and they both fell a few times, their buttocks were covered with snow, and their little faces were flushed from the cold.

  It was Bai Sanzhuang who came to his senses and ran up to take the rabbit from the hands of the two nephews and it was still in the pile of pheasants in the yard.

  Anyway, the rabbit is already stiff, not a living thing, just throw it away.

  Xie Chuntao hurriedly went to the kitchen to bring hot tea for the two children, Zhen Shi took the hands of the two grandchildren and rubbed them to breathe.

  "How did you hunt this pig? And these few rabbits." Old lady Bai asked.

  Everyone knows that there are wild boars on Nanguan Mountain, and the crops at the foot of the mountain are often scolded by the wild boars coming down the mountain. But no one can do anything about the wild boar. With such a strong body and long fangs, it can hurt people if you are not careful. Not to mention the other people in Shenshu Village, even the hunters have to run away when they see this beast.

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