Chapter 42 Bai Muban gets angry

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  "Eat milk, and Xiao Yuanbao will eat too." The old lady Bai said "ahhhh", pretending to have taken a bite, and turned a smile on Xiao Fuyuan.

  His heart was blocked by Eugene's laurel, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Don't say that she is an old woman who favors her little granddaughter, can she not be loved? Knowing that she was angry with You Jingui, he hurried to coax her, and eagerly gave her a bite of egg first.

  "Mother eats it too, and father eats it too." Xiao Fuyuan scooped up two more spoonfuls and handed them to Bai Muban and Zhen Shi respectively.

  "Father won't eat it."

  "Mother won't eat it."

  Bai Muban and Zhen Shi said in unison.

  Although she knew that her grandma and parents would definitely react like this, Xiao Fuyuan would still give priority to the delicious food to her elders.

  After all, in the whole family, only she can enjoy a life beyond the standard of the Bai family.

  She wants her family to see, and she doesn't want to, she is not a selfish baby, she wants to share her good things.

  "Fifth Brother, Da Lang, San Lang, eat them all."

  Xiao Fuyuan stood on tiptoe and pushed the egg bowl to the middle, meaning that the children would share it together.

  "Sister, I don't want to eat. I just ate big meat buns at noon and I'm still full." Bai Zhaomei turned her head away from the eggs.

  Not at all.

  Xiao Fuyuan knew that Fifth Brother's stomach was growling, and Fifth Brother was so hungry that he ate so much. Usually the food at home is not enough oil and water, he can eat two baskets of big meat buns at noon, but considering that it will be reserved for Zhen Shi and others, Bai Zhaomei dare not let go.

  "Give it to aunt." Da Lang and San Lang swallowed together.

  Eggs are a luxury in the Bai family, and it is difficult for them to eat them usually.

  The big meat buns at noon have been digested, and my stomach is empty, but I also know that the good things at home should be left to my aunt.

  Dalang Saburo swallowed desperately, the aroma of the egg custard dripped with sesame oil hooked out the gluttons in his stomach.

  No one can wrong sister-in-law.

  "Eat them all, eat together." Xiao Fuyuan put on a stern face, showing off her aunt's style, and gave orders to Da Lang and San Lang.

  Although the nephews were older than her, they were still half-grown children. Xiao Fuyuan felt a little cruel eating delicious eggs in front of them.

  Alas, although life at home has improved a bit, and cornmeal and steamed buns are not worrying about eating, they still haven't reached the well-off level of meat, egg and milk.

  Half of the money the family saved from saving on food and clothing went to Erlang for medical treatment and medicine, and half to the fourth brother's education.

  If things go on like this, how can Fifth Brother develop good physical fitness to become a general, and how can Dalang Saburo grow taller.

  Xiao Fuyuan looked worried, she had to think of a way to create conditions for the family.

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