Nabil's eyes fall on Mufeeda, he traipsed to her in an intimidating aura. Seeing him coming her way, she trembled and shiver at same time. "Elucidate" he ordered. Mufeeda didn't need to be told twice, words came out of her mouth by their will. Everything came out of her mouth like a broken faucet gushing out water nonstop. She narrated all what happened for A to Z. Since from day one up till now. Nabil's angst was tripling by each words she uttered.

Finally, that disgusting piece of shit was out of Nabil's sight. If not, his itching hands wouldn't Resist the urge to go ahead and beat the crap out of him again.

"I terminate this contract, let him sue you for that, but before that, I must sue him for molestation. Maybe after he finishes serving his punishment he can come back for that" he bellowed at them furiously, he was so angry at his little kitten that he couldn't look at her. She sat at the far end of her office, sniffing loudly. She was so scared that she trembled on her spot. Her hand held her arms tightly trying to hide the place that was torn.

Pinching the bridge of his brow, he sighed and walked towards her. He removed his coat and dropped it over her body before dragging her harshly from the ground, he moseyed out of the office with her wrist in his hand haggardly being dragged away by him, she stumbled but he seems to no care about so she followed him, she can't keep with his track so she suffering from the tight grip he has on her hand. "You are hurting me please stop" she begged, trying to wiggle out her hand from his grip but the look he gave her made her shut up and followed him wherever he was going.

He stop nowhere until in the parking lot, In Front of his car, Opening the door in a haste, he threw her in the car and closed the door and moseyed to the driver side. She continue to cry nonstop, what happened earlier scared her to the core all what she need now was a comfortation and now his insolent behavior hurt her the most.

He moved to her side and dragged the seatbelt, he hooked it for her without even Looking at her, they were so close that they could feel the hotness of each other's breath. Igniting the engine, he drove out of the building at a fast speed. That day she got to see the angriest side of him, the person that always drives at slow speed not more than 30km/h but that day he drove over 120 km/h. His knuckles turned white with the gripping and the beating he did. She was so scared as hell that made her cry more.

"Will you stop this hypocritic crying of yours? '' he shouted, hitting the steering wheel fiercely that made her flinch in fright. She shifted nervously to the far end of the car and leaned on it. She curled up and continued sniffing and hiccuping while he ignored her.

Ten minutes later, they were at home, he parked the car and dismounted it in a hurry leaving her all alone in the car. She cried to her heart content before she followed behind him. Firstly, she went to her room and had the most cleansing bath ever to get away from the stinginess and the touches of that slouch. She scratched her skin all in the way of trying to get away with any slight things that can remind her of that horrible moment of her life.

She cried all the way in the shower, she felt worthless and dirty. She will peel out her skin if she has the effort. At last she got tired and slumped under the shower letting the hot water wash away the dirtness she felt on her body. She knew Nabil was now irritated by her, he even hated to hear her voice talk more of seeing her face or even touching her. Who wouldn't do the same?Which man will see his wife touched by another man and still have the same feeling for her. She lost what she didn't have now.

Hilariously, how will she have the decency to sleep in that situation? After she cried as much as she wanted, sleep took her up without her knowing as the hot water kept gushing over her body.

An hour later, she wake up in dazed, she find herself on the bed in comfortable way as ever. She looked around the room in perplexity, when did she come back to the room? Or even fall asleep? Did she sleepwalk?. Looking at her changed outfit, she remembered getting under the shower with just her undergarments how did she became fully dressed. Thinking of that, no one came to her mind at the moment except Nabil, definitely he must be the only one capable of doing If not, no one can dare to enter her room to her bathroom, picked her up, dressed her and put her to bed. Her lips curled and slanted up in smile, though he was still angry with her but he still care for her. "Ouchh" she sneezed.

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