chap 50; Who is she?

Start from the beginning

"Then what happened, what brought her here" she asked after a couple of silence, going back to matter because was interested in the girl named Ziya."I don't know, but the last time I was there her brother drew a line between us. So I don't know what her problem is" Nabil said.

"So her brother is even aware of her stupid infatuation" Afifah asked annoyingly.

"After we got married, she started acting weirdly, which made me resign from working there. That made them capture Jalil when I left, threatening that I should come or they wouldn't release him thinking that I betrayed their sister. That made me travel unannounced. When I was there they suggested I should get married to her since she loves me but I refused. Everything came to an end from there and we came back together with Jalil. She is just here to cause trouble" he said.

"Craziness" she muttered under her breath, she hates the girl's gut. So what if she is a princess, money or power can not buy love. It's not everything that can be bought with money or wealth.

Walking out of the closet, she met him busy with his work sitting at the ottoman place close to the wall merging with the window, a MacBook placed at his front, all his eyes and attention on it. He was busy typing, so engrossed in his work. She walked in a calculative step, a smug smile playing on her lips, she eyed him and then smirked before changing her expression into a , hypocritically. Adjusting the blue shirt that couldn't reach her knee but long enough to clad her thighs.

Perceiving her scent, he looked up. He was awestriken by her appearance that he forgot about his fingers that ware on the MacBook that was busy typing. His mouth slanted and slightly agape, he laughed in his mind without her seeing and looking away. "Sorry I wore your shirt without your permission, I know how possessive you are for your stuff" she said smugly, "I find out it will be more comfortable than my nighties." She added on, looking at her self clad in the blue big shirt that was huge for her. Traipsing towards him, she sat at his front beside his MacBook, staring intently at him to see his reaction.

He sent her once again a nanoseconds glance and then back to his work that his attention is no more there. He muttered under his breath, "you stole my heart without my permission too, did I complain?". The best thing is that she stole his heart without her even knowing so how can he punish her for stealing. No way.

She couldn't perceived what he said, she didn't hear what he muttered so she asked, "what have you said".

"I said it looks good on you," he said not actually repeating his first statement, "you can were any of my shirts" he add on giving her more privilege to his clothes, actually he likes it, seeing her in his shirt warmth his heart, it look more beautiful in her than him. All what he want is to cuddle with her fluffy body under the coverlet, he shunned away the thought of that immediately before it subdue him. His reply made made her to smile widely, and sequel "really".

He stared at her reaction before nodding," whatever is mine is yours, feel free to do anything" he said without him knowing what he was spewing, the fact that she already messed with his brain just by the mere glance of her made him say whatever came to his mouth.

Giving her that privilege elated her, it was nice of him to actually say that, so now she can do whatever she wants with his things, that is a huge freedom. He went back to his work after that, even though he lost interest in that minutes back.

She looked through the window lost in her thoughts, her mouth full of talks but she couldn't find herself saying that, or was she scared of the outcome. She glanced at him and then sighed, retreating her eyes back to the show, stopping stars on the skies. They seems fascinating that she entertain herself with. Numerous thoughts flash in her mind, contemplating on what to do next. Should she or not, she seems to be in a perplexity State. Her eyes sent him an once glance before looking away from him, not having the courage to say a word. She continue stargazing until he decided to break the silence.
He was observing her all those while, something is bothering her this days but she kept shut. He want to know that but he didn't want to force it out of her. He always gives her space to decide what she wants, he hates being pop nosing on people's matters despite the fact that she was his wife but there are things called respect. They all deserve respect from each other. "Is anything bothering you" he queried.

She was jerked out of her trance of thoughts, her eyes fell on him and she looked away timidly while shaking her head with a false smile on her face, they all both knew it wasn't true. "Are you okay?" This time around his voice came out sternly, making her squirm on her seat, she was fighting her own dilemma on whether to speak the truth as Mufeeda said or just continue hiding it inside her until it ate her up. Her throat dried making her gulped down to nothing in particular because her mouth was dried.

"I…..III" she tried to speak incoherently, but what she was muttering didn't make sense, she stuttered. He intently gaze at her before sitting upright, taking his leg down from the ottoman making it on the floor. It seems like he is going to force a word out of her today, he will willingly do it since it looks like she wasn't ready to say it out. "Mar__" he started but he was forced to cut off by the striking ringing tone coming from his phone that was kept beside his MacBook.

They all looked at the phone, he wanted to reject the call when the caller ID made him stop, he looked at it closely before deciding to just pick the call. It's really an important call and he knows the person will never call if it wasn't necessary. "Excuse me please" he said, picking up the call while waltzing out to the balcony.

She released a big sigh in relief, calmed down her racing heart, thanking whoever called him at the moment. The person came to her rescue at the eleventh hour. Quickly and hastily, she rushed to the bed and lay down, covering her whole body with the coverlet and forcing herself to sleep. It took him over thirty minutes before he returned back, he found her deep asleep. He didn't dwell on that though, he blamed himself for taking a long time to answer a call from his assistant. They can talk tomorrow about the matter if necessary, he thought.

Happy Sunday 😽
How are you doing all, and how is the weekend?

Enjoy your day with this chappy, I don't know but I love this chapter so dearly. Hope you like it also.💃


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