chap 44; No woman will be like you

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Upon entering the room, he kept everything in his hand unless that design and looked for her. She was sprawled on the bed crying really hard. Immediately seeing her that way, it pained him. He thought it was just a facade back then but now he realized that she was really hurt, she was really crying, tears were gushing out her eyes non stop. He heaved a sigh, now this. He was such an emotional person and hated to see one crying, especially this little kitten. He hated to see her hurting.

He sat beside her on the bed, bracing himself for the things he hated doing the most. His pride and ego couldn't surpass his emotions right now. "I'm sorry" he finally said.

She was surprised at him muttering those words, this isn't the Nabil she knows and that made her glanced at him. Seeing the guilty glint in his eyes, she loved it. She also couldn't tell why she was crying over that silly thing but now she loves the attention she was getting so she continues to shed tears.

"I said I'm sorry, I didn't mean that" he apologized.

"Why are you apologizing to me, isn't she the one you supposed to" she said with a crying voice.

"What are you saying?" he asked unsurely, he couldn't fathom what she was spewing.

"Didn't you back her, you showed me that I'm nothing to you. That I'm nothing but a piece_"

"Maryam" he called sternly, he can't sit and watch her criticizing his little action. Even with his voice, she set her mind on something and she must achieve it so she continued to cry.

"Don't ever say that" he said calmly "did I say something wrong" she asked, sounding incredulous.

"Please spare that, I was just trying to protect you. You know well who that girl is, she was just seeking trouble so don't give her attention. Her coming to this house is just to cause hassles, she will surely report this to Nenah and that will cause havoc" he elaborated. She sat down on the bed and said "but I try hard to ignore her and that made her ruin my work" she said.

He used his hand to wipe away her tears and said "don't mind her, I know you can make a better one than the ruined one, I trust you and of course I will help you" he said and that brought a smile to her face.

"You will help me, do you know how to do it?" she asked jokingly.

"A little bit, but I will learn much when helping you" he said and she agreed with him.

"Okay I will let that slide since you will help me" she said, she tried to hide her smile but it's evident on her face.

"Whose design Is this?" he asked, showing the previous design he found.

"Mine" she answered trying to reach for it, that was a secret between her and her work.

"I mean is it for a client" he asked further as he dodged her.

"No for myself alone" she said "I want to gift myself that because of my dedication to my work" she added and he understood.

"I want it, how can I get it" he asked

"You want to build a house" she asked, and he nodded. "I have many designs if you want"

"No, I want this one," he demanded.

"Well, this is out of your reach" she said and she collected it from him.

"Name the price I will pay" he
Said adamantly, she looked at him and then kept mute. She thought for a moment before asking "anything".
And he nodded. A smirk curved her lips, seeing that smile he know she was up to something.

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