Chapter 83: War of the Mind

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Riding on top of the Wall had to be one of my least favorite things to do, even if it was faster.

There were steep drops on some places up here, and it absolutely ripped me apart with agony.

Gritting my teeth, I rode beside Erwin without complaint. This was my apology to him, silence and diligent work.

I wouldn't falter in this. I had been a horrible friend to him, and I intended on righting this wrong.

"Approaching the target!" Erwin boomed, hardly having to even lift his volume.

In the distance I could make out a couple figures that were sitting up, and a majority that were laying down.

Worry struck me and I found myself on the ground in seconds when we stopped, all to check on one figure in particular.

"Hanji!" I yelled, skidding to a stop at her side and feeling my heart fly into my throat.

Burns littered her entire body, including her face. Her glasses were resting just above her bangs and she was laying there peacefully.

My eyes scanned everyone else, and I noticed the same burns covering them. None of them looked too severe, and the burns wouldn't leave scars.

That's a relief.

A pained groan from Hanji immediately put my attention back onto her as her own eyes peeled open.

"Olive~ how nice to see you." She chimed hoarsely.

"Don't speak, I'm gonna get you help first. You can explain later." I gave her a reassuring smile then dropped when I glanced back at our ranks. "Get me the burn salve and some bandages! Now!"

When I got a response, I walked over to three figures, two of which I recognized. Mikasa and Armin. They had field rations in their hands which made me smile slightly.

"Are you three alright?" I asked, stopping next to their triangular formation.

"You must be the Section-Commander these two brats won't shut up about. I'm Hannes from the Garrison, I'm a Captain." The older gentleman, Hannes, had short blond hair and a small mustache he must be proud of.

The type of kindness he had implied that he was used to dealing with the trio of children, and that he had someone he loved back home.

"Pleasure to meet you–"

"Aren't you supposed to be on medical leave?" Mikasa interrupted bluntly, looking up at me with a bit of worry behind her coal eyes.

"Yes, but Erwin needed my experience. To be honest, I wouldn't trust the Military Police to do anything right. Especially with someone's health." I brought my voice to a whisper and a shot them a small smirk.

Hannes fell apart with laughter and slapped his knee a few times. "Ahh, you're a treat Ms. Strauss. These kids were right about you. Now, to answer your question; I'm fine, but these kids need attention." Hannes points to the two beside him, and gives me the biggest grin I've ever seen.

"Alright, Mikasa. Armin, I need you to gather over there with Hanji." I said, jerking my hand with my thumb sticking out in the direction of my prone friend.

"Yes, Ma'am." Armin responded, rising to his feet slowly and carefully.

Mikasa jumps up, hardly responding to the pain she must be feeling.

Just like one person I know.

"Hannes," I addressed kindly, getting the older male's attention. "Can you fetch me a clipboard so I can keep track of injuries today? You're going to be my assistant until Erwin is ready to leave."

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