Chapter 14: Colder than Ice

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After the stables were cleaned I politely took my leave and started my search for Erwin. Flagon had stopped by with information on the expedition coming up in a week.

When I found him, he was discussing business with Shadis. So I waited a little bit before knocking.

"Yes? Oh! Olivia, come in. What is it?" Erwin flashed me a bright and nervous smile. It made my heart race with anxiety.

Should I even step into this secret? Is this something I want to do? What will the outcome be?

"I need.... A small apology even if you helped me a little, earlier today. I still feel off." I said. Turns out, when you care about both parties in a secret, you chicken out easier. What can I say? I'm human.

"Okay, I'm sincerely sorry for ratting you out, but I was just worried. You've never left after curfew, let alone with someone you've just met." He paused and Commander Shadis cleared his throat.

"If that is all Strauss, please leave. We are discussing something more important than your feelings." The Commander adjusted his jacket and I nodded respectfully. This was not the time to insult the Commander on his lack of decency and care for his soldiers.

If they had something important to discuss, it was not my place to know.

Thus, I walked away.

Stupid! That was your chance to know why there is tension between Levi, his friends, and Erwin. You blew it, now things are going to play out with you in the dark. I thought slowly wandering through the hall, down the stairs and to the mess hall.

Dinner was going to be served shortly. The chalkboard displayed the menu like always. Today, it was bread, corn, and a one pork chop for each soldier.

My stomach churned as my eyes landed on a certain trio sitting by themselves.

I wanted to know what they were saying to each other, but before I could make my way over to them Hanji stopped me.

"Olive! I need your head! If there was a way to capture a titan without many casualties what would you make?" I groaned in frustration at the use of her nickname for me.

"I would make cannons specifically designed for shooting wire to wrap around the legs, arms, and neck of the abnormal to pull it down. Then I'd restrict it as much as possible without getting hurt." I ranted calmly. I watched a huge chaotic grin spread across my friends face.

"Same idea as me, you're brilliant! Let's send in a request!" She cheered. I shook my head and patted her shoulder.

"Later, Hanji. Later." I smiled and walked away. Since dinner was coming around shortly I decided to make my own tea so that Charity didn't have to.

The walk to the kitchen was quiet since hardly anyone was around. The sound of my feet softly making contact with the floor could be heard regardless of the silence.

I entered the kitchen, Charity was doing her job with two other cooks. She turned her head and looked at me, I could swear I saw stars in her eyes.

"You never told me you liked someone!" She exclaimed excitedly. Her body bounced and she left her station to the other- uninterested- cooks.

"That's because I don't?" I sounded unsure, curious, and sarcastic all at once. Charity just cackled and shook her head with her hands planted firmly on her stomach.

"One, it's written in your eyes. Two, it's in your complexion. Three, you are a lot softer today." She said. Rage and embarrassment flowed through me.

"I say you're delusional. There's no way. For something like that to happen with me. Even if it did, I'm to unlucky and ugly for anyone. So, like I said before you're delusional." I nudged her to the side and grabbed my tin of tea. Conveniently enough, she had put a kettle on for me.

While the water boiled I put some tea leaves in my tea ball and rested it in my favorite cup.

"Honey, you should give yourself more affection and let yourself love." She said softly from behind me.

'For love is weakness and leaves me vulnerable to attack.' I recited inside my head. These words repeated for a few minutes before I tuned back into the present.

My father wasn't here, so I was safe. Right? I could allow people in. Right?

I poured the hot water into my cup and watched color form and swirl around in a spiral. It brought my mind to focus.

I needed to clear these thoughts. I needed closure, and there was no better place to start than in the mess hall. After the tea was done steeping I took the tea ball out, emptied the contents, and put it in the sink we had.

Then, it was out to the trio I was so interested in. As I got closer, I was noticed by Isabel. She flashed a brilliant smile at me and looked at Levi with an expectant gaze.

"What do you want?" He mumbled darkly, his eyes pinned me down with ice cold daggers.

"I have questions for you." I stated through my fear. Being on the receiving end of his glare made me feel anxious and trapped like a bunny in a wolf's den.

"Ask away." Farlan jumped in swiftly, taking a seat closer to Levi. A shine from Levi's back told me he was armed.

For what purpose I don't know.

"Are we... Friends?" I asked nervously. My fingers danced and fiddled with one another. This wasn't easy for me, especially since this question had never slipped past my lips before. Erwin and Hanji just adopted me as a friend, Hanji taking the first claim of course.

"I'd like to think so." Isabel gave her response quickly and kindly.

"We haven't talked much, but you're trustworthy and kind enough to be my friend." Farlan stated prolonging a shrug. That left Levi. I looked at him making eye contact with his stormy glare.

"It takes trust to give trust. I need more time to know you before I will accept you as my friend. We met not long ago, and honestly I can't be friends with a stranger." Levi snapped harshly crossing his hands over his chest.

So that's how it was. This reasoning was something I could understand. He was being realistic and honest. I didn't want it any other way. Still, he didn't have to be so cold.

After all, I had helped him a lot already.

"I understand, Levi. Thank you, for your honesty." I nodded and turned to leave and walk to my table.

"Still, like I said last night... You're not so bad." Levi sighed out into the air.

"You also said you hoped I wouldn't hate you." I pointed out, my back to the group of three. I could tell the other two were shocked. They hadn't heard of this. Thankfully more noise was filling the mess hall, so others didn't hear our conversation.

"Yeah, that's because I'm not a good person. You may think I am, but I have done things that would change your mind in a heartbeat." He replied simply. Out of all the voices in the room, his was the most noticable to my ears. Why?

"That isn't a certain outcome. I have seen some horrible things happen to people, so... Maybe my mind won't change. Deep down, I know you are a good person. You just don't do well with showing it." I peeked over my shoulder in time to see a small smirk grace his lips.

"Keep this up, and I'll know more about you by the end of the week. You show a lot of genuine emotions." He observed dryly.

"Well then, Levi. When the time is right, I'll show you what you wanted to see. Now tell your friends before their jaws fall to the floor." I said walking to my table, and sipping my tea.

The challenge was set for us to become closer by the end of the week.

However, at the end of the week was the scheduled date for an expedition outside the walls.

All of us knew it was coming.

Unfortunately, no one knew of the devastation that was to come with it.

Funny, isn't it?

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