Chapter 60: Turmoil

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Orange light of fire danced on the damp and dark walls of the large chain of cells.

All of them, filled with criminals and threats to the King. Chains rattled in the large expanse of containment. A stationed guard from the Military Police guided me down to the far end of the corridor in complete silence.

Now, I know what you're probably thinking.

'Olivia! You should have taken Levi with you!' or 'this is a very bad idea!' or even, 'Why would you visit such a monster?'

I needed answers, okay? It's not like I really wanted to. I didn't even really discuss anything with Levi before I left.

"You have a visitor." The guard snapped angrily, pulling me out of my head.

Disbelief and fear gripped me as my eyes laid up on my father's worn figure.

His ribs were prominent, his skin was grimy, his finger nails were much longer, and his hair was longer.

Despite his decaying form, his eyes held the life that his body lacked. They were as cold as always, and held a burning hatred for my presence.

"You may leave, I'll be fine on my own." I said to the young woman who guided me. She nodded hesitantly and took her leave.

"Well, well, look who came crawling back like a good submissive tool." He chuckled hoarsely in a teasing manner; it hardly effected me even if he really wanted it to.

"I want answers. You're going to provide them. Simple enough for you?" My voice didn't shake, and neither did my body - surprisingly enough.

"What makes you think I will answer any of your questions? You mean absolutely nothing to me. I raised you to face the horrors of this world, and you repaid me with this." He snapped, yanking his chain clad hands upwards to their limit.

"I may just be nothing to you, but that no longer matters. See, you gave me an off switch. I don't have to feel anything for you. You'll answer my questions because I don't think anyone in this world would care if I ended you here. You're inconsequential."

His cold blue eyes kept their frigid gaze locked on my indifferent and steady one like a match to the death.

"You still have feelings in there somewhere. It's a matter of hitting the right buttons. Where's that mutt of yours? He's all bark, no bite, and I want to teach him some things." He smirked evilly and stared me down. Instinctually, I wanted to cower before him, but logically, I knew I was safe with bars between us.

"He's no mutt, and certainly not a dog. Last I checked, he put you in your place without even needing to bite. As far as I'm concerned, I think you are acting petty and pathetic. From where I'm standing, you sound like a woman griping about how you didn't get the right ring." I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

He tsk'ed and smiled up at me with malice sparkling in his eyes.

"You're getting defensive. Your arms are crossed. Tell me, if the world you know crumbles, would he protect you? If the walls fell?" His questions confused me so thoroughly that thinking about it sent a throbbing pain through my skull.

"Is that what you were preparing me for? That's a lousy reason to harm your child over." I scoffed and dropped my arms back to my sides.

My father's face twisted until anger and frustration were the only noticable emotions on it.

"You don't understand. Marley is coming, I've seen it in my dreams. There will be a war so catastrophic it will break you. I had to save you before it was too late."

Will of the Broken (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now