Chapter 31: Refugees

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Months have passed since my friends saved me.

A ton has happened since then. For example, the new year flipped upsidedown with ruthless events. Including three other expeditions.

All of our changes, began with our return from a particularly rough expedition. The Commander took heavy stress and burden from it, and ended up breaking down in front of an old lady about her dead son. The whole population of Shiganshina saw it happen.

Shadis resigned shortly after that, and became the Commandant for the Training Corps. It was lower in stress and provided a person to prepare them for the coming horrors.

His resignation put Erwin at the top. He made some things clear and made a few changes within the ranks.

First of all, Hanji and I were made Section-Commanders and Squad Leaders, nothing more. In such action, confusion was eradicated.

It made sense really. Before that, I had gone by many things.

That was only that start. We had three more expeditions before Shadis broke.

During those three expeditions, I had seen just how gifted Levi was. Erwin saw it too.

He had killed 15 titans on each expedition.... Alone. That includes abnormals too.

Levi had managed to cut my patient count down by at least half with his skill, instinct, agility, and strength.

It was impressive, and soon he had made a reputation as well as a title to follow.

People started calling him 'Humanities Strongest Soldier'. It bothered him to no end, and Erwin did nothing to clear it up.

I watched as Levi closed himself off more. I wish I could have taken the weight it put on him to carry everyone's opinions, hopes, expectations, and much more of the sort.

When we talked, it was like the first time we met. Brief. On top of that, he was flooded with paperwork from Hanji and other things.

Sadly, there wasn't much I could do about either issue.

Erwin wanted him to assemble his own squad, but Levi denied his wishes. Claiming he wanted to be around longer before he did.


Training me in hand-to-hand combat was something he was focused on more than anything. I'm here to tell you that he never holds back. Receiving hits from his legs and fists, took me down instantly. Each hit was like being smacked like a titan without the broken bones. I'm sure he could do it effortlessly though.

Another event, was Akita's punishment. While it was a small event, I wanted to mention it.

I made her clean to Levi's standards.

Too much? Maybe...

After that, Levi got to see snow for the first time. I think he liked it, he barely showed it, but he crouched down and stared at individual snowflakes. So that's an indicator if I've ever seen one.

Then came the actual beginning of the year 845. The biggest blow we could have been dealt, actually happened.

Word spread quickly that Wall Maria was compromised and breached by two titans. The Collosal, and the Armoured. That's what they were calling them anyway.

I was tasked with helping refugees that came in. Unfortunately, the Garrison would also be helping, meaning of have to deal with snobs thinking they know everything.

On the plus side, I wasn't the only one going. My squad, including Patsy, was being sent out to help anyone with injuries by my side.

"Listen up, your job is to treat injuries of those coming in from Wall Maria. If you are insulted by the Garrison, let it go, they aren't worth your time. However, don't let them insult the refugees. They have seen enough already." I ordered, hopping up onto Galileo.

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