Chapter 36: Trost

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It has been five years since that day.

I was now resting at a steady age of 26 -- I think -- and it was officially the year 850.

During the time that passed, cannons were upgraded, the new HQ was finished as a supply depot, and there were multiple more expeditions yielding hardly any results.

Erwin was nice enough to give me some time off for harming me in the past.

Instead of using it immediately, I decided to save it for another time. That time was this week, while everyone else, including my team, left the walls.

I was going to visit my mother for my birthday. That's right, it was a delayed birthday.

If only I knew how cruel the timing would be.

I rode to my house in Trost and dismounted. Since it was only a day visit, I left my gear and uniform back at our current HQ.

It was in the way otherwise.

I knocked on my door with a light heart and waited for someone to answer the door.

"Olivia! Welcome home!" My mother smiled brightly for the first time in years as she opened the door wide for me.

"I'm happy to be here." I smiled in return and hugged her tightly.

"Freya is waiting for you outside behind the house. She has a gift, but I also want to know what has been going on with you. Your letters were incredibly vague." I let go of my mother and waltzed into the house. It was still familiar and uncomfortable to me, but it was much lighter than before.

"I'm sorry. A lot has happened, it's been busy. Between our efforts in trying to take back Wall Maria, and setting up more military outposts, I have been struggling to find time until today." I sighed and sat at the table.

"You sent kids here a while ago, with an old man. Why?" She asked softly, taking a seat across from me.

"Because they needed shelter. I ran into them and helped them the best I could. They should be ready to graduate soon." I said, resting my hands on the table. "They were set on joining the Scout Regiment."

"You weren't any older than them when you wanted to join. The aggressive one with brown hair, Eren, spoke highly of you. So did Armin, the blond one. However, the dark haired one, Mikasa, said hardly anything." She spoke softly and looked me over.

"They witnessed the Colossal titan, and lost everything they knew. I don't blame her for being so nonchalant about everything." I said softly.

To be honest, I missed those kids. I wanted to see them again. Deep down, I knew the time was coming soon, just not how soon.

"Poor things they were. Now, in another letter you spoke of a man. You didn't mention a name, but I want to know of him just in case someone intends to court my baby." She cupped her cheeks in excitement and anticipation.

An eager smile spread across my mother's face and I folded my hands into each other on the table.

"You won't have to worry about that, Mom. He rejected me and we agreed to remain friends. It is strictly a talk a little and do your work type thing." I wiggled my thumbs and looked at my hands nervously.

"Who is he?!" She slammed her hands down and jumped from her seat.

My sister crashed into the house with labored breathing.

"Is everything alright in here?" She inquired in mass confusion.

"Your sister was rejected by a man! Can you believe that?!" My mom yelled trying to get my sister in on it.

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