Chapter 71: Letters

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Dear Ral Family,

It is with a heavy heart, as the Scouting Regiments Field Surgeon/Medic, that I bring news to the families of my comrades.

It is my painful duty to inform you that your daughter, Petra Ral, a skilled soldier, and a brilliant woman, was killed in action on our expedition earlier this week.

This letter was delayed due to the losses of my medical team and injuries that have been sustained on my account.

Your daughter, and or sibling, did not suffer as others did on the field. Her death was quick and in one blow. It means she likely didn't feel the pain.

As a surviving member of the squad, it is also my responsibility to tell you what happened within the rules and permission allowed to me by our government.

Your daughter fought bravely until the end and died instantly. Most of us never get that type of death. Especially against the enemy we face.

As a friend, your daughter remained dedicated and strong throughout her service. Her loss was not in vain, and it never will be. We will carry her torch forward always.

Furthermore, since she was a highly esteemed member of our ranks, she will be given a plot in the cemetery so that you may visit anytime.

You have my deepest condolences and support. If you ever need me, reach out to the medical ward of the Scouts.


Section-Commander Olivia Strauss.

Tears made their way down my cheeks in violent ribbons of grief.

This was only the first letter of many and I had to make them all sound formal - like none of them were really my friends.

I had to finish so many letters and deliver them to the family of each soldier.

Patsy was getting too old to be out for lengthy deliveries, and I wouldn't dare request help from my comrades.

So many were grieving, even Charity. Others were in pain and had wounds that needed to heal.

Besides, I felt as if I deserved this as a final punishment.

So I kept writing.

Dear Bozado Family,

It is with a heavy heart, as the Scouting Regiments Field Surgeon/Medic, that I bring news to the families of my comrades.

It is my painful duty to inform you that your son, Oluo Bozado, a fellow soldier, and a smart man, was slain in battle earlier this week on our expedition.

This letter comes to you late as injuries and losses have prevented me and many others from taking on this task.

Your son, or sibling, did not suffer and his death was quick. His sacrifice will not be in vain, and the Scouts will continue to carry the torch.

As a surviving member of the squad, it is also my responsibility to tell you what happened within the rules and permission allowed to me by our government.

Your son fought a powerful foe and contributed to humanity in ways that I cannot express in just one letter.

As a friend, your son was loyal and stubborn until his dying breath. His life was not a waste nor will it ever be. His light will continue to guide the Scouts forward.

A grave will be made for him and you will be able to visit him whenever you desire.

You have my deepest condolences and support. If you ever need me, reach out to the medical ward of the Scouts and I will come to you.

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